Bottles, Orcs, and Fluffy Socks

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Chapter 8

Somehow this ended up happening at my place. Apparently Gamzee's house is terrible, 

and Terezi just doesn't feel like it, so I volunteered for it to be here. 

Which means that I had to clean it. It's only friday, a little less than a week before I got 

here, but it there were already mini 3 Musketeers wrappers on the floor, dirty laundry all 

over the bed, and toothpaste all over the bathroom sink.

Also, I clear my browser history. I doubt any of the guests would go snooping, but it's 

better to have it deleted than for potential friends to find the tab with the Black Widow 

LARPing guide, or the thesaurus open, trying to find a synonym for douchecrumpet, or, 

god forbid, my tumblr blog.

Better safe than sorry.

I've just hung up with the pizza lady (cheese, since I can't remember if any of them are 

vegetarian?) when there's a loud rapping at the door.

I pull it open with my best totally-not-flustered smile. "Hi!"

It's Tavros and Gamzee. 

His face is lit up like a firework, and his beam melts my heart into a pool of gold lava 

that runs through my veins, filling them with a warm, bubbling energy.

I'm talking about Tavros. In case you couldn't tell.

Gamzee's over there, a whimsical grin playing about his features. He leans on my 

doorframe, and although he slouches he's still, like, six feet tall, and slightly intimidating 

for no very apparent reason.

"Come in!" I step to the side, beaming, and let them in.

"Hi! Oh my, gosh, this is great," Tavros looks around. "I love what you've, uh, done with 

the place," we both laugh a little.

"Sicknasty." Gamzee appraises the place with a nod.

"Sooo. Pizza's on it's way. Uhm." I shift awkwardly on the spot. "We're just waiting on 


Tavros frowns. I realize I haven't told him.

"Oh, I invited her. Is that okay?" I cringe a little. What if it isn't? 

"Oh, no, that's great," Tavros smiles a little nervously and takes a side glance at 

Gamzee and then back at me. I frown. Is there something going on between…Gamzee 

and Terezi? No. Not ever. No way in hell.

There's a knock and I pull the door open quickly, saved from the awkward silence. 

Terezi's smiling until she (smells? hears?) Gamzee. Her lips immediately go thin and the 

roses fade from her cheeks.

"You didn't tell me…he…was going to be here."

Not romantic, then. But what?

"Is that, er, okay?" I cringe a little.

"Absolutely spiffy." She said her voice like icy, sarcasm-tipped razors. She walks in, hips 

swaying, a white and red cane in hand.

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