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"I hate biology more then I hate getting punched in the face." Raymond muttered these words to Bella as he stopped at the entrance to her next class.

Bella lifted her lips into a half smile, slightly distracted as she looked into the class. "I guess it's a good thing you already have the credit then. See you after school?"

Raymond nodded his head, noticing how Mike was waiting for the file just inside the classroom. The blonde boy had been latched to Bella's side since they'd left the cafeteria and was ecstatic to find out they had Biology together. Raymond motioned with his eyebrows towards him and then looked down to Bella. "Yeah, let me know if you need me to handle something though."

Bella narrowed her eyes, using her small hands to turn him in the other direction where the library was. "I'm doing just fine, I'll see you later Ray."

He got the message, the hallways were thinning with students meaning he was gonna be late if he kept messing with Bella.

Thankfully the library wasn't far off from Bella's classroom, hence why it he'd walked her down the hall to biology. He strolled into the small building just as the bell rang, he whistled lowly finding that there wasn't many people present. Study Hall in New York usually meant the place was crowded with kids getting in their last minute studying down or typing up that paper due next period. Usually Ray would end up sitting outside with his friends while they talked or sometimes even went to get some food, looks like the same applies here.

The librarian, a older women looked up, her curly black hair was cropped short and growing silver but somehow it looked nice. She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and gave the boy an impassive look as she pushed a stack of books away. He took this as a signal to move forward so the sound of his timberland bolts was loud against the carpeted floors.

"Raymond Thompson?" The women spoke, stating his name rather then phrasing as her impatient hand signaled for him to give up his schedule. Each teacher needed to sign to indicate they had added him to their roster. She signed quickly, pushing it back and tapping the pen against a clipboard already sitting on the table. "Sign here, every time you come into study hall you must sign here. It isn't necessary hence why no ones here but they want something to show people actually show up. Don't make too much noise, and if you bring food pick up after yourself there's trash cans for a reason."

Ray nodded, folding the paper full of signatures back into his pocket and looking down to the roster.

Rosalie Hale
Jasper Hale

His eyebrows furrowed, finding the blonde adopted siblings in his class intriguing. He could still feel her burning honey eyes when they'd met for the briefest of seconds and even though she seemed slightly daunted the temptation to speak to her was overpowering. She was a year older then him though which complicated the situation but not it seemed like things were working in his favor, even if her sibling was in the same vicinity.

Ray nonetheless signed his name and rounded the bookcase to find that the Hale siblings were both sitting at one of the tables near the aisles of books. They were silent, both keeping their eyes trained on the papers encompassing the table. Jasper barely moved as he read a passage from a textbook and then quickly jotted notes down. Rosalie on the other hand seemed to sense his entrance into the small place as she moved to shuffle her hair, using the opportunity to look his way.

Raymond could only manage a small grin her way, not his usual smirk he'd give a pretty girl but one he genuinely felt. Bella called it his puppy smile, like the one a child gave. Something he felt stupid for doing immediately after considering Rosalie snapped her eyes away in a blink. He cleared his throat, shaking his head and taking a small table by the windows, across the room from the Hale's.

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