Quick Blonde Joke

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K. No offense to the blondes, but this is funny.

One day, a blonde girl was walking down a street and suddenly saw a shop with a very nice television.

She walked inside and walked to the owner of the store and said: Hello! How much is the television?

The owner gave her a weird look and said:

It's not for sale because you're a blonde.

That got the blomde mad, so the next day, she got a black hair wig and went to the store owner and said the same thing:

Hello! How much is the television?

The owner gave her a weird look again and said:

It's not for sale because you're a blonde.

The thing keot going on and on with red, brown, and different sorts of colourful colours until the store owner finally managed to say:

It's not a television! It's a microwave!

Funny Jokes!!!!!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें