He talks to you again

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It's been 3 days since you gave the cute boy from the arcade your number and you start to doubt that he'll ever text you. You sigh as you check your phone once again but there was still no new notifications. Right when you were about to give up hope completely you felt your phone vibrate and it was him! "Hey sorry I took awhile to text you, things at my job have just been kinda crazy and I was nervous tbh. But if this doesn't sound weird I was wondering if you wanna hang out sometime :)" You can barely contain your excitement as you texted back "Yeah sounds fun! Have any place in mind??" He texted back really quickly "How about the arcade this Tuesday?" You smile "Yeah that sounds awesome!" You smile the whole night just waiting for Tuesday to come
Once again you found yourself walking around your favorite park, everything about it just seemed so beautiful to you. The green grass, the vibrant flowers, the tall fountain, it was so peaceful or so it seemed peaceful. You thought about the guy you ran into about a week ago, he was so handsome but what really captivated you was his eyes. They were hazel with little dots of color, even tho you wouldn't admit it another reason you came back here was in hopes of seeing him again. You sat at the fountain for about an hour until giving up and starting to walk home. When you were about to exit the park you heard a voice "Hey wait up!" You turn around surprised to see the man from before and some other guy. You weren't sure who he was but he was really tall and had blue eyes and blue and black hair. "Yeah?" You said nervously. "Umm listen I know this sounds weird but I think you're really pretty and I wanted to know your name. You smiled at the obvious nervousness in his voice "It's Y/N" You said. "Umm I'm Rigby...sorry if this sounds weird but do you wanna walk around the park with me for a little while, I just got off work so my boss won't care." He said quietly "Sounds really fun! Let's go!" And with that you two left as the tall one winked at Rigby
You've been living in your new apartment for about a month now and so far you really liked it. All of your neighbors were really nice and you would often chat with Benson when you saw him. He was always really kind and had amazing manners. Everyday you found yourself starting to crush on him a little more, and soon it was to the point where seeing him in the hallway gave you butterflies. You heard a knock on the door and you got up to answer expecting it to be your friend who was coming over but instead it was Benson. "Oh Benson what a pleasant surprise!" You smiled at him. It really was an extremely pleasant surprise to you. "Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to be my date to my sisters wedding. Her wedding is next week and I've been wanting to ask you for a couple weeks now." He seemed so calm, unlike you. "I would love to! Wanna come in for some lunch?" You asked hoping to get more time with him. "It would be my pleasure." He said. You two talked about the wedding and had a lovely lunch together
                          Muscle Man
You didn't have to wait long for muscle man to text you at all, the next morning after hanging out with him and high five ghost he sent you a text. "Hey dude, hanging out with you was so much fun! Come over Friday and let's do it again, we can prank more of the losers at this lame park" You laughed at how open he was "Yeah dude, we can rent a lame movie and make fun of it too." He replied "That sounds awesome, you really get me. We can watch it in my trailer so we don't have to deal with the losers that live in the house" You two talked all night planning your amazing night that will consist of lame movies, pranks, and pizza. You couldn't wait until Friday

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