Yuma's escape and Astral's arrival

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"It looks like the end of the road for you Yuma.

Yuma spun around seeing Sashala coming from without the forest. What surprised him the most was while he had scratches everywhere and his clothes shredded she came out the forest untouched. For the second time she pointed her sword towards him.

"Well it was fun for a while but not it's time for the real fun." Sashala said with a dark voice.

Yuma swallowed as he saw Sashala coming closer. What was he going to do now?

"There is nowhere to go Yuma. The edge is too far to jump, there is nothing to help you cross over and that chasm looks miles deep. Who knows what is on the bottom?" Sashala said. Then she chuckled. "You can always jump into it of course. But do you have the courage to take that challenge?"

"Challenge?" Yuma muttered. That one simple word brought back a memory. The memory of his father when he taught him the most important lesson of his life.

/Yuma, always challenge yourself. Don't be afraid to do what others tell you what you can't do./

Yuma smiled when hearing the voice of his father sounded strong and clear in his mind taking all doubt away. Now he knew what he needed to do.

"It's clear that you don't really know me Barian Hunter." Yuma said with a smirk.

Sashala cocked her head a little from confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I am never afraid to take a challenge!" Yuma then turned around and with a short run he took a long jump. "All i need to do IS FEEL THE FLOW!"

Sashala's eyes widen when she saw Yuma leaping into the air before falling down into the deep chasm with a shout. Quickly she looked over the edge of the chasm but there wasn't any sign of Yuma anymore. The boy had already fallen deep within the darkness of the chasm.

"Cursed it! I really didn't think he would actually jump into this." Sashala cursed beneath her breath. "That boy is either brain dead or he has more gut than i thought.

She narrowed her eyes towards the dark abyss beneath her. Although she had no idea what was lurking at the bottom of the chasm, there's still 50% chance that the boy survived the fall and was still alive.

And until she didn't have Yuma cold dead body as prove, she wasn't satisfied.

But first things first: she needed to find a way down this chasm. She looked right seeing the chasm continuing deeper into the forest. "Mhh, maybe there is a safer and clearer path further up ahead." She said before continuing her way.


Astral slowly opened his eyes as he found himself standing inside a huge room. He quickly recognized as the portal chamber inside of the palace of his world. A small smile appeared on Astral's, feeling glad to be back in familiar surrounding.

"Hey, you!"

Astral turned around to see a light red female Astral being standing at the foot of the stairs. The young woman had straight shoulder-length hair. Only her side bangs, covering one side of her face, were a little bit curly. Her blue marks were almost the same as his only hers were curvier.

She was raising her long sword towards him. "I don't know how you got into here. But it's forbidden for outsiders to ente...." Her voice died away as she lowered her sword with wide eyes. "A-Astral?"

Astral smiled at his old female friend. "Hello Carisca."

Carisca dropped her sword with a bang as she flew fast towards him to embrace him into welcoming hug. "Astral! I can't believe it! You're back." Carisca cried from happiness. She then pulled away from him but still had her hands on his shoulders. "We were so worried about you."

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