The ball

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There was the sound of people laughing and talking to each other while the soft enchanted music created the perfect atmosphere.

Some were talking about how festive and glorious the ballroom was decorated or how beautiful the music sounded. But of course the main discussing during this particular evening was the return of Astral and the mission he succeeded.

Plenty Astral beings were very interested into the discoveries he had made in the human world.

"Truly? Word can hurt a human heart?" A purple female Astral being asked dumbfound.

"Indeed." Astral said shortly.

A dark blue male Astral being standing next to the female, snorted. "If words can already hurt a human being then they truly aren't that strong."

Astral glared at the dark blue male. "For your information, the one that helped me regaining my memories and help me defeating the Barians was a human boy. And don't underestimate his friends either. They once saves the airship, preventing it to be absorbed by a black hole. Not to mention that two of them are in the same duelling level as i am."

The blue male swallowed loudly. "I-I didn't mean to offe..."

"Offend my friends? That won't be a wise thing to do indeed. You don't know them like i do. Now if you excuse me i haven't spoken to the king yet." Giving a small nod to the group that was listening to him he floated away from.

A small smile crept on his face when he heard the sound of a soft slap followed by a female voice snapping. "Nice work Diliar, you insulted him."

Hearing the male stuttering his apologize he continued to float further away from the group.

Truth was, he lied about not haven spoken to the king. It was just an excuse to get away from the group.

Astral sighed deeply. He just didn't understand. Everything was actually perfect. He was back home, he received a warm welcome and the king threw this exclusive ball in honour of his deeds.

And yet.

He didn't feel happy. In fact he felt a nagging emptiness inside him. What Astral really wondered was why this feeling appeared since he arrived back in his world? It felt like he lost something. Something very important.

But how much he thought about it the answer remained to him. It actually slightly irritated him. Maybe that was the reason why he couldn't entire enjoy this feast.

Astral shook his head as he tried again to shake away this nagging feeling. He needed to clear his mind. Taking some fresh air on the balcony not sounded like a good idea to him. This way he also wouldn't be bothered by other curious Astral beings.

When entering the balcony Astral moaned as the cool wind softly blew against his face. Partly he took away the pressure in his mind but is sadly didn't take away the nagging feeling. Leaning against the balustrade Astral let his mismatched eyes roam over the glorious city of his world.

Somehow the small colourful lights of the city painting it in rainbow colours reminded him of Heartland city. Astral remembered that not long after he arrived into the human world, before Kaito stole the key, Yuma had taken him to a skyline tower after the sun had gone down.

It was the first time that he ever seen the entire Heartland city. Well, it was the second time. The first time was when Yuma was sent by his grandma to a duel lodge. While climbing the stairs there was a perfect view of the city. But during that moment Astral was sulking about almost losing against Kaito that he didn't pay any attention.

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