What Happens Now?

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While not moving an inch, completely speechless Faran and Carisca were looking at the heartbroken scene in front of them. Astral sitting on his knees crying rivers of tears while clinging desperately to Yuma's lifeless body.

His face buried in Yuma's chest Astral sobbing loudly constantly repeating Yuma's name over and over in a choked whisper. The tears that felt from his mismatched eyes soaked through Yuma's T-shirt mixing salty tears with stained blood.

Minutes have passed after their arrival back at the palace but neither of the two Astral being standing there knew what to do nor what to say next.

"Prince Faran! I've received your message, so I came quickly as I- oh my." Everyone turned their head when they heard a light woman voice gasped behind them.

It was a young adult female Astral being was the same colour skin and long hair as Astral's light blue skin. And unlike the other Astral beings she had pupil-less and wore a long white dress with navy blue streaks on the bottom of the dress.

"E-Ena." Astral sobbed.

"W-What...what happened with him?" She asked shocked with her hand in front of her mouth.

"He was stabbed by the Lemuria's angle, Ena. And on the way he..." Carisca fell silent in the middle of the sentence as she was not capable to end that sentence without bursting into tears.

Ena quickly made her way to Astral who looked at her with pleading eyes. "E-Ena, can't you...can't you d-do something? Please." Astral sobbed.

Ena sat down as she placed her hand on Yuma's chest and one on Yuma's forehead. Both began to glow faintly. Ena gasped. "Oh, dear." She whispered. Her hands stopped glowing as she removed her hands from Yuma's chest and head.

"A-And?" Astral asked impatient when Ena didn't say a word.

"I...I am sorry Astral but there is nothing I can do." Ena simply said knowing there was no other way to say it. "Yuma is no more."

Astral felt his small, yet last, hope die with Ena's answer. "B-But, but." Astral stuttered before his sad look changed into an angry glare. "You're the best healer of Astral world! How can you not be able to do something!" Astral shouted out furious making all of them, exception of Ena, Jump.

Faran and Carisca had never seen in their entire life Astral so angry. His mismatched eye usually showing serenity and calmness were now blazing with a fire of anger and frustration. More than when he faced Sashala.

"Astral it's not that I don't want to help Yuma." Ena said calmly.

"Then why are you not doing anything?!" Astral shouted.

"Because there is nothing I can do." Ena answered her voice started to rise as well.

"What do you mean 'there is nothing I can do'? I have seen your healing powers! You were even able to bring an Astral being back from destruction. Yet you're not able to bring back a simple human! That's the most preposterous assumption I ever-"

"ASTRAL!" Ena shouted loudly suddenly interrupting the distressed Astral. "Please listen to me. Like I said I want nothing more than to bring Yuma back. But as you said: he is a human. My healing powers aren't able to communal well with Yuma's life force. Even if I am able to bring Yuma back, I can't restore the damage that the Lemuria's poison has done. A lot of Yuma's vital organs are completely eaten away or are in critical state. If I bring Yuma back to life and keep him alive he will only suffer in agonizing pain for the rest of his life."

Astral's eyes widen when Ena's information sunk into him. Did he want that? Did he just want Yuma back in a world of never ending pain so he just can be with him?

Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal:- Follow you to the edge of the worldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon