Chapter 2: SKWAD Meet

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Seven Days Before Mission 1

"I already told you, I ain't no fucking weapon." Chato Santana shook his head as he was shoved into the open yard of Belle Reve. He was pissed, and understandably. He had vowed to never use his abilities for destruction again, to never hurt another person again. Yet here he was, being forced into some ridiculous task force.

"Can it, Diablo. You're a weapon as long as we say you're a weapon." Colonel Rick Flag was standing in the center of the yard. He was tall, imposing, and heavily armed. He was holding a fully automatic rifle in his hands, and he had several other guns holstered to his body. He was scanning the occupants of the yard, looking each one over slowly, familiarizing himself with them. "I think you all pretty much know why you're here. You've been chosen to serve your country as an elite group of weaponized humans."

A hand shot up in the air, instantly drawing everyone's attention. "Yeah, I think there's been a mistake, mate. This isn't really my country." Captain Boomerang smirked at his words, revealing a shiny piece of silver in the place of his left front tooth. "So I think I should definitely get to be excused from this whole mess."

"You've been robbing banks in this country for years. If our money is good enough for you, then you can fight for us." Flag was quick to shoot back at Boomerang. He was going to make it painfully clear that he was in charge.

"Fuckin' Americans..." Boomerang shook his head and muttered to himself. "I'm not even a bloody citizen."

"Now that that is crystal clear," Flag glared in Boomerang's direction before returning his attention to the group as a whole. "You may have noticed a little injection we gave each of you. You all now have nano-explosives in your necks. They're the size of a grain of rice, but they'll deal the same damage as a grenade. I'm sure you can all imagine what a grenade going off in your neck would do."

"So you're threatening to kill us?" It was Deadshot who was speaking up now. "Cause that sounded a lot like a threat."

"I'm telling you how it is. If you ever try to escape, hurt one of my men, hurt each other, or otherwise piss me off, you will die." Flag smirked and rolled his shoulders back, feeling slightly more comfortable as the leader of Task Force X. "For those of you I haven't personally met, my name is Colonel Rick Flag. I'll be in charge when we go out on missions. You will follow my orders. If anyone has a problem with that, too bad."

"I understand the team thing, like, I get that we're all supposed to work together on dangerous missions, but... Why are we here now?" Harley had pursed her lips together and tilted her head to the side. "Are you sending us out already?"

"No, you don't have a mission assigned yet. You're all here to familiarize yourselves with one another. It'll be easier to work together if you know who you are." Flag examined Harley, thinking for a moment before he spoke again. "I think everyone knows who you are."

"Well, I would hope so! I'm kind of a big deal." Harley smiled back at Flag, twirling one of her pigtails in between her fingers. "No offense to anyone else here, but I don't really know any of you."

"This bitch has got to be kidding me!" A young woman who had previously been silent chuckled. "How can you work with the J-Man and not know anyone else in the crime world? Half of us are from Gotham! You shared turf with a lot of us."

Suicide SKWADOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora