Chapter Three: Capture-Part 1

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Nine Months Before Mission 1

It was a beautiful day in Gotham City. A little bit chilly, but the sun had been out most of the day, and there hadn't been a drop of rain. The streets of the shopping district were bustling with shoppers searching for Christmas gifts. It seemed to be a relatively typical Saturday in November, if not a little bit quiet. It was nice; in fact, it was perfect. It was perfect for what Floyd Lawton had planned.

Floyd didn't get to see his daughter often, as he had willingly given up custody years prior. He regretted that decision, as now he was lucky to see Zoe once a month. So he worked to make the best of the time he did have with her. He knew there was a fairly good chance he wouldn't see her again until after Christmas had already past, so he had spent the day buying her pretty much anything she asked for. Floyd could easily afford it, thanks to his unorthodox profession.

The two of them had just exited the American Girl Store, the proof of which was in the form of a doll Zoe was clutching to her chest. She looked similar to the doll; the same rich brown skin, wide chocolate eyes and thick fluffy hair. She also looked similar to her father. One look at Floyd and Zoe and you could tell they were father and daughter, no doubt about it.

"How's your mom doing? She taking good care of you?" Floyd didn't want to bring up the delicate subject of his ex-wife, but he knew he needed to. If he wanted to make a better life for his daughter, he had to find out what was going on.

Zoe shrugged her shoulders, though it was hardly visible under her coat. "Mom is alright. She drinks a lot, but I can take care of her fine."

"You do realize she's the one who is supposed to take care of you, right? That's the definition of a mom." Floyd shook his head in disappointment, but her was not surprised, "What about her boyfriend? He still around?"

"He's been living with us for awhile, but I don't really seem him very much." Zoe looked up at her father as they spoke, "He goes out a lot."

"Zoe, that's not a good place for you." Floyd had made up his mind before the conversation, for the most part, this information was just more ammunition for his argument. "I've got good money coming in, and I've got a nice place downtown lined up for us. I want you to come live with me."

Zoe's face quickly darkened, and she lowered her eyes to the sidewalk. "I can't live with you, Dad... Mom says you do bad things."

"Your mom is a liar." Floyd was trying not to let his anger show in front of his daughter. "What could I do?"

"I know you kill people; you don't have to lie to me." Zoe glanced up for a brief moment before returning her gaze to the floor.

"That is not true." Floyd knew he sounded snippy, but he didn't know what else to do. He had no defense.

Zoe sighed as they turned into an alley, nearing the car her dad had driven them there in. "It's okay; I still love you."

A sudden noise came from the entrance of the alley as a dark figure dropped from the top of one of the walls of the buildings next to it. Floyd knew he had enemies in Gotham, and he wasn't going to take a risk with his daughter's safety. He had pushed Zoe out of the way, dropped to one knee, and pointed his wrist-mounted magnum at the assailant all in a fraction of a second.

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