Chapter 5: ...Blast off

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18:00, August 10th, 2016: Mission 1 Begins

Harley Quinn was grinning and giggling as she was wheeled through the Midway City Evacuation Zone to her teammates. She had a shiny new cell phone slipped up her sleeve, a gift from her beloved Puddin'. It wasn't much, but it was a direct line of communication she could use when she needed it. It was going to be her key to freedom, her release from government entrapment. She just had to wait for the message telling her it was time to go; as soon as she received it, she would be gone. 

Harley was one of the last to be delivered to the city. For security reasons, she had been transferred alone. She could see everyone else around her, all strapped down to a chair like her, save for Aura who had no restraints, and Croc who was too large for the chairs and had upright restraints. Surprisingly, there wasn't much commotion as everyone was pushed into a line. The only person who seemed to be causing an issue at all was Boomerang, and he wasn't doing anything but complain and curse.

Colonel Rick Flag stepped out in front of the team with two other soldiers and Aura still in tow. He paced up and down the line, making sure everyone was accounted for. Aura, Killer Croc, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, El Diablo... "They're all here except the new one. You can unlock 'em." The Colonel nodded to one of his men standing to the side, beginning the process of unchaining each member of Task Force X. Each member was freed, one by one. Still, no one moved anywhere or spoke. They knew this was different than last time; they'd each flown halfway across the country for this. 

"Who's the new one, Colonel?" Aura wasn't focused on anyone else. After spending over an hour in a helicopter with Flag talking about a new team member, she needed to know. 

Flag turned to look at Aura, smirking ever so slightly. "Someone you're not gonna like."

The timing couldn't have ben more perfect as a black SUV covered in large metal plates pulled into the clearing. Every hair on Aura's body stood up, triggered by the unnatural energy emanating from the vehicle. It had it's own electromagnetic field, keeping her from feeling anything in or around it. "Fuck you, Colonel. Seriously, this isn't cool." 

Flag ignored Aura's comments and instead directed his attention to the SUV. "Ladies and gentlemen, the man who can climb anything: Slipknot."

One of the doors on the SUV swung open, and a large man stepped out. He was wearing full tactical gear, ropes and hooks covering his body. He would have been the biggest person present if it weren't for Killer Croc. 

"More like the man who'll rape anything." Deadshot shook his head and rolled his eyes. He was familiar with Slipknot, and he wasn't a fan. Slipknot was possibly the least respected criminal in all of Gotham. Even murderers didn't like a rapist. 

Aura's pale skin had turned bright pink in the presence of Slipknot. Her blood was boiling, every muscle in her body was tight and rigid. Her hands were balled into fists, and she was trembling. She couldn't think, she was too overcome with anger. She wasn't even aware that she was charging forward until she slammed into someone else. 

Surprisingly, it was Captain Boomerang who had stepped into Aura's path. He watched her start running and saw the guns aim at her. As much as he enjoyed the violence and wanted to see some action, now was not the time. He had leaped forward and hooked his arm around Aura's waist, stopping her from reaching her target. "We'll deal with him later, alright? First, we have to get outta 'ere." He spoke softly and quickly, not letting anyone else hear him. 

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