The Plan - Killing The Carreers

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Josh POV
We're filming the scene about Beetee's plan to kill remaining careers which are Gloss,Cashmere,Brutus and Enobaria. They are the last remaining careers. Me, Jennifer, Sam, Jenna, Amanda, & Jeffrey all go to the cornucopia. We to get what we need for the plan to work. Me,Jen, Sam, Jenna, & Jeffrey talk about the plan, & everything that happens each hour. Brutus stabbed & killed Amanda (Wieress). Gloss tries to kill me (Peeta), but Sam (Finnick) pushes me out of the way, Gloss tries to kill Jeffrey (Beetee) & Finnick, pushes him out of the way also. Enobaria & Cashmere try to kill Katniss, & Jenna, (Joanna) then pushes, her out the way & kills cashmere with her axe, as Jen (Katniss) shoots an arrow but I hits the cornucopia & tries to kill Enobaria. The careers are gone and that's when the cornucopia starts spinning. We are all knocked off our feet. I slip & start sliding down the cornucopia. I get ahold of the cornucopia and I hold, on tight then I see Sam grab Jeffrey's hand. Me & Sam see Jenna trying grab Jen's, hand, Jenna axe is wedged in the cornucopia, & Jenna is holding onto it with her,right hand as she tries grab Jen's hand, with her left hand. The water spraying from the cornucopia spinning and Jen falls, into and is tossed around in the water, until the cornucopia stops spinning and it does. I run over to Jennifer to make sure, that she's ok. I see Jenna patting Jen on,her back and I ask her if she's ok & I pat, her on her back too gives me a thumbs up letting me. I have Jenna say let's just get, what we need and get off this rock. We get what we need &, we all go to the beach to rest.

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