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20 years later
Our lives have been full of surprises.
Jennifer is a wonderful, amazingly , beautiful, wife,mother & Grandma. I fell in love with Jennifer the minute I saw her the first day on the set of The Hunger Games. When I found out where the bruises came from, I knew I was going to tell her that I loved her more than the very close relationship we had. Jen did too as well, she's always been in love with me from the minute we met on the set of The Hunger Games. Our only problem that we had were Nick and Claudia and that was finally taken care of by deporting them to their home country Nick England U.K. & Claudia Barcelona, Spain, they're not allowed into The United States no matter what. A week after we got home from finishing the press tour, we found out that Jen was pregnant with twins Cole's 1 minute than his sister Ava who is 1 minute younger than her brother Cole. We moved back to my hometown of Union, Kentucky. Jen and I agreed we'd be 10 minutes closer to Jen's family. Josh and I decided not to continue acting, and have as much of a normal life for the kids away from what we dealt with as actors, the paparazzi selling their story & pictures to the magazines/tabloids. We have been married for 20 years, we have 2 sets of twins Ryan and Shrader are 30 they both graduated Summa Cum Luade, Ryan from Yale, Law School as a Prosecutor, Shrader from Berkeley University a degree in High School 12th grade English. Ryan is married with twins Deacon brown hair &  brown, eyes like Ryan & my Josh, & savannah has blonde hair & blue, eyes like me they are now 5. Our twins Cole got a degree from Duke in Sports Med. He is married & has a son Ethan he has brown hair & brown eyes like his dad & Josh, & a daughter Ella has blonde hair & blue eyes like me & her mom,  Ava's a pediatrician she came back home to work at the hospital in Union, she is married & also has twins Charlie also has brown hair & brown eyes like his dad & Josh. Christina after Josh's dad Chris, she has brown hair  like her dad & Josh & blue eyes like her mom and myself, they are 1. Cole and Ava are 29. Both Josh's 80 and I'm 82 and are dying. We  only have a few minutes left, we're holding hands and give each other a long passionate kiss, the last thing we say to each other is ironic since it's from the Hunger Games Trilogy.
"Peeta "Together"
Katniss "Together"
Jennifer-Katniss "Stay With Me"
Josh-Peeta "Always"
Everyone's crying we tell all of our children that,we are proud to be their parents, and we're proud of what they've accomplished &, who they've become, and we'll always be with them. Josh and I walk hand in hand together, & well be together in Heaven for eternity. Always. Josh & I watch over our kids & Grandkids Ryan and Shrader are grandparents as well as Cole and Ava,are parents of twins as well. Ryan & Shrader both passed away at 87 they here with us we're waiting for their brother and sister to cross over. A couple of minutes later Cole and Ava passed away at 86. Jennifer, myself, Ryan, Shrader, Cole, and Ava are together walk hand in hand staying together as a family in Heaven for eternity. Me and Jennifer tell our children how much we missed them and they expressed how they miss me and their mom. We asked God if we could stay together me and Jennifer our younger selves as parents, & our kids as their younger selves as parents . God has agreed to grant this for all of our family who crosses over. Our family is together my parents, Jen's parents, my brother Connor, Jen's brothers Ben and Blaine, grandkids, great grandkids, we're together for eternity.

The End
I enjoyed writing this book, sorry for the very, very, very, very slow updates. Thank you for all the reads and votes, all of you who read my story made me smile, & helped me to, not give up on my other stories. I hope all of you enjoyed my story, this is the first book that I completed

I love all of you,
Tracy xxx

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