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louist91: have you talked to canoli

louist91: cranberry

louist91: cicada

louist91: carpet cleaner

louist91: kangaroo

harrystyles: that was a stretch

harrystyles: but im laughin

louist91: lmao same

harrystyles: chandelier

harrystyles: crab cake cowbells

louist91: there ya go

harrystyles: i always attract the odd ones

louist91: well you are an odd lad yourself

harrystyles: speaking of odd, do you wanna hang out?

louist91: what does that have to do with odd?

harrystyles: idk actually but that's gonna be my next tweet, thank you louis

harrystyles: it's gonna be like

harrystyles: Odd.

harrystyles: it's always fun to see the fans go crazy trying to figure my tweets out

louist91: asshole

louist91: they wreck their brains trying to understand

harrystyles: you try to figure them out, dont you?

louist91: no

louist91: maybe

louist91: sod off


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