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niallhoran: what up

liampayne: hey

louist91: oi oii

harrystyles: hello

niallhoran: i was listening to no control the other day

niallhoran: and i remembered how much of a louie i am

louist91: mate my name is spelled with an 's' ??

liampayne: a what?

niallhoran: it's a thing in the fandom. louis fans or stans if u will are called louies

niallhoran: harry stans are harries

liampayne: what about me

niallhoran: yeh we don't have cool names

niallhoran: we're just niall and liam stans

harrystyles: lirry for the win

louist91: ????

niallhoran: that's liam and harry

louist91: i'm okay

louist91: *um

liampayne: aw harry

louist91: anyways u we're talking about no control :)

niallhoran: OH YEAH ! that's a real tune . forgot
how much fun it is to sing it

louist91: i haven't. it's a masterpiece

harrystyles: okay i have a question

harrystyles: no control or just hold on

louist91: wtf u can't do that

louist91: that's like me asking u canoli or taylor

louist91: cannoli is from 5H and taylor is her own person

louist91: no control is 1d and jho is just me

liampayne: i like them both

niallhoran: i'm gonna have to say no control

niallhoran: because it turns me on

harrystyles: SAME

louist91: liam please tell me uve remained normal

liampayne: id be lying if i said i don't get a lil attracted to u when u sing it

louist91: i'm just gonna go

louist91: this got super fookin weird

no control is my jam !!!!

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