Chapter o n e

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     I walk into the doors of Yale University school of medicine building, and I walk up to counter, to receive a copy of my schedule.  There's a nice lady, around my mom's age, and she asks for my name. I say, "Ryan Thompson", and the worst thing that could ever happen to me happens. The lady behind the counter said that I was wait listed, not only that but I was number 630.



Beep, beep, beep.

     I internally groan, it's to early to get up, but then I remember that it's the first day of school and it's senior year. I slowly peel back my covers and try to shut my alarm clock off. I glance at the time, and it reads 6:30 a.m. No wonder why I had that weird dream. It's 6:30 and my parents are always lecturing me about starting applications soon, especially one to Yale. Anyway, I go to the bathroom and strip of my clothes and get in the shower. The warm water feels great for my tired body, and I half wish I could stay in there forever, but after about ten minutes,

 I get out and put on my underwear and bra. I decide to wear a white flowy tank top, paired with light washed blue jeans and my aztec cardigan. I also decided on wearing my triangle necklace that Haiden gave me for my birthday. I tie my hair up into a messy bun, and put on my brown sandals. I grab my phone and my backpack that has different color patches and a Yale sticker (not my choice for the sticker) on it. I run down the steps, and see my mom and sister in a deep conversation. Probably talking about when she leaves for Yale in a couple of days. Did I mention that she goes to Yale.

     "Morning guys." I say cheerfully. 

     "Hey sweetie" my mom says.

     I grab a muffin as I hear Camryn's car horn honking, and I mutter a quick goodbye to my mom and sister. When I open the car door, and slide into the passenger seat, I am greeted by a squealing Cam. I plug up my phone to the aux cord and blast our favorite song, The Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran. When we pull to West View High, I unplug my phone and clamber out of her car. I walk into school and I sadly part ways with Cam because her locker is in the other direction, but we have first period together. I walk up to my locker to see none other than Haiden Rodriguez standing there waiting for me. 

     "Hey there babe."

     "Hey Haiden."

     "I see your wearing my necklace."

     "Yeah, thanks for it."

     "Anything for you."

     Averi Jennings, Haidens ex, and the girl who thinks she runs the school, walks up to us and she stares at me with a cold hard stare, and when she turns to Haiden, she tries to smile flirtatiously, but it looks more like she's constipated. I try my best to hold in a laugh, but that didn't work, when I started to laugh, a very unattractive one. But before she says something, she notices her two "best friends" motioning for her to come here. Probably to gossip about the new freshman, or fresh meat as some people call them. 

     Then all sudden, the doors to the school open and this new guy walks in. He's wearing simple black jeans, and white shirt and some converse. His hair looks disheveled but cute at the same time, like he forgot to brush it. I'm pretty sure he saw me looking at him because he smirked at me. When Haiden noticed this is said he had to go and didn't even give me a hug or a kiss or a see you later. I hope he doesn't get to mad. My heart skips a beat when I notice the new walking towards me. Turns out his locker is next to mine. When I try to sneak in a glance, he catches me looking at him. He turns to me and says, "Don't think I didn't see you checking me out, and by the way the names Alec."


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                                                                                                                                                           Love, N & K

                                                                                                                                                           Love, N & K

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