Chapter t h i r t e e n

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I should've built a home with a fountain for us
The moment that she told that she was in love
Too young
I was to young
After my big fight with Alec, I called my mom and asked if I could come home early because I didn't feel well. She said yes, as long as I get my homework from my last two period classes, so I texted Cam and asked for math homework, and asked her if she could ask Alec for chem notes.

When I got home, my mom was drinking coffee in the living room.

"Hey baby, are you okay?"

"No, but I don't want to talk about it. Can we just watch a movie?"

"Sure sweetie."

After about an hour into 'Fast Five', I fell asleep. I woke a couple of hours later, with a hand on my shoulder. Alec? I slowly opened my eyes, only to see Cam shaking me awake with papers in her hand.

"Hey Cam."

"You're talking to me now?"

"I just wanted to be nice. Did you talk to Alec?"

"Yeah, he told me to tell you that he still cares about you but he's going to leave you alone from now on."

After Cam gave me the papers, she left and said that she'll come and pick me up but I told her that I was driving to school. I told my mom that I was going upstairs to do my homework. I tried to do my math homework, but I kept zoning out, thinking about Alec. I kept telling myself to focus and do the work. In about an hour, I completed the worksheet, but I'm pretty sure I did over half of it wrong. I looked over the chem notes and realized that it was in Alec's handwriting. I starting thinking about how we used to always meet under the tree by the water fountain, and our twenty-one questions tradition. Usually, the game would somehow get sexual, but not with Alec, we would just talk and learn things about each other. I started hearing my name be called by my mom from downstairs.

"Ryan, dinner's ready!"

"Coming mom!"

I walked downstairs and my nostrils smelled chicken parmesan, which was my favorite. I sat down across from my mom and began to eat. I finished eating in about ten minuets later, and asked to be excused. I swiftly went upstairs, and stripped off my clothes, and I ran hot water in the shower. I took a very long shower. By the time I got out of the shower, it was 10:30. Surprisingly, I quickly fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

I was shaken awake by my mom, who had a huge grin on her face, but with her tired eyes. I took a deep look into her leafy green orbs and knew why my mother had an exhilaration feeling.

" Haiden!" Is all my mom said. And then I was reassured the excitement. I felt tears build up in the corner of my eyes as a lump grew in my throat. I cried of joy, as my mom and I embraced.


I let the cool shower water cascade down my body as I kept losing my train of thought. The only thing on my mind was Ryan, and how I just walked away when I should've stayed and comfort her.

The feeling of anger and hurtness flooded my body as I clenched my fist. I harshly punched the wall leaving a dent and threw my head my in shame.

Maybe we are just too young... To young to know what real love is.


Heya, see we are updating a bit more frequently. Thanks potato's (that's your new nick-name wether you like it or not!) for sticking with us, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love N & K

                                                                                                                       Love N & K

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