Chapter t h r e e

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Alec  takes off running as Ryan rapidly sat down on the bench next to her, and pulls at her phone as she heard big footsteps getting closer to her. "Hey babe" Haiden rushes out to say as he approaches the beautiful brunette "Hi!" she managed to spit out without studdering.

"What cha doing out here by yourself" Haiden raised his voice a little.

Ryan chuckled  "Just having some free time until I enter the Yale chamber which is sadly my home."

"Need a ride?" Haiden offered

She nodded and grabbed her backpack and jumped into his 2009 Jeep Wrangler. Through the whole car ride, she was giggling at her phone as her feet were set on the dashboard of his car. Haiden noticed she barely even said a word the whole car ride, but didn't put any thought into it. As they pulled up to her Brownstone house they said "Bye babe" Ryan whispered flirtatiously as the couple shared a peck on the lips. She opened her front door, only to get a whiff of chicken Alfredo. 

"Oh Sweetie your home!" Ryan's Mom, Erin Gardener, squiled. 

"Hey mom" Ryan mumbled as her eyes were glued to her phone.

"Dinner will be ready in 10." Ryan nodded as she walked up the stairs. She slowly walked in her sister's room seeing nothing but boxes, she got a little emotional until Ivy, her older sister, jumped and startled Ryan and the room was filled with laughter. 

"So, how was your first day of being a senior?" Ivy asked as she was cleaning out her drawers.

"It was pretty good, I  have some good teachers, some bad teachers, I met this boy, I have classes with Camr-"

"Back it up." Ivy interrupted "You met a boy!?! I'd thought you and Haiden were the 'it' couple 'Highschool sweethearts', ever since the middle of junior year I've always called you Ms. Rodriguez." 

"Calm down, the boy I met is only a friend!" She kinda screamed "For now atleast" she mumbles under her breaths. But in a friendly way she tried to convince herself. 

Ryan went to her room and plopped down on her bed and opened her text messages

Ryan texting Camryn

Camryn 💕 😝 : So how was your "date" with Alec

Ryan: It wasn't a date 

Camryn 💕 😝: I May not be going to Yale but I am smart enough to know that you like him

Ryan: Well are you smart enough to know that I am already in a 10 month relationship!

Camryn 💕 😝: Whatever 

Camryn 💕 😝: If you like Alec then you should tell Haiden so no one gets extreamly hurt

Read 6:34 PM

Camryn 💕 😝: Tell your sister that I wish her luck and Yale and will miss my older sista from anotha mista

Camryn 💕 😝: Do you have Mr. Rhode for social studies?!?!

Camryn 💕 😝: He like hates me for some weird reason

Camryn 💕 😝: I think it's because he asked people what is least favorite subject and I said world studies

Camryn 💕 😝: he gave me a nasty look to tho

Camryn 💕 😝: i have the best art teacher ever

Camryn 💕 😝:  you there?!?!!?

Camryn 💕 😝:  HELLO


Ryan: .........ITS ME 

Camryn 💕 😝: where were you!!!!

Ryan: I was texting other people

Camryn 💕 😝:  let me guess was it Alec

Ryan: Maybe BUT it was also Haiden too 

"The food is ready!" Their mom yelled 

I ran down the  steps and placed myself at the dinner table. 

"Dinner is served." Ryan and Ivy's mom announced as she took a seat.

We had a normal dinner talk, as much family's do while we ate chicken alfreado with a caesar salad on the side. "Ivy, before I take you to the airport were going to visit your dad so you can say goodbye."  Ryan and Ivy's parents are divorced. Nothing bad just that they lost spark of love and it just didn't work out. 

After dinner, Ryan got in the bath. She had a nice soothing bath with a Lush bath bomb she has just got. When she got out she put on her Victoria Secret Pajamas and hopped in her bed and turned on netflix and started watching Gossip Girl for the 500th time. Her phone started to vibrate, she was getting a call from Haiden. She answered. "Hey babe, whats up?" she asked happily. "Hey, I was wondering if you want to hang out tomorrow after school before football season kicks in." He inquired, "Yeah th-

She was interuppted by her phone ringing.

It was Alec.

 She told Haiden to hold on. While she anwsered Alec's called. Little did she know she pushed the button to join the calls. 

As Haiden was about to say that he could hear her call, this familar voice rushed out and said, "Meet me at the water fountain tommrow after school Princess." She anwsered back with a simple "See ya there!" 

Haiden didn't even here the 'Princess' part all he could think is the thought of his girlfriend cheating on him, but he kept telling himself it's Ryan.. she would never do that.

She hung up and went back to Haiden.

"I can't make it tomorrow I have to go visit my dad." She attempted to sound sad. 

"Oh okay." Haiden said disappointed, with a hint of skepticism. 

Ryan blew a kiss through the phone, and hung up.

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