telling them..

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Eva's P.O.V
I opened my mouth and started talk " so you probably want to know who did this to me....well it-it was andrew" nick opened his mouth but shut up ,he was fumming and he is a very calm person"  I started to date andrew when nick got in the band and started touring , I wanted to have someone to be with when my best friend was gone so when I met andrew we hit it of, it was so sweet and he was so kind and was the best, but he came home drunk one night ,after we just got our new house and he got mad at me and he hit me..I guess he found pleasure in it and he continued he started doing it when he was sober and he would always say he was sorry after he did it but he still did it even more and he said if I hit you ever hit you then it's for a good reason ,so of course I believed him and he was always beating me so I always thought I was a disappointment to him and I was never good enough, there was this one night I will never forget umm andrew came home not drunk, but either way he walked in and had a kiss mark on his cheek it had lipstick so that how I saw it and they were all over his neck and he had hickeys all over ,I got mad and slapped him, and that was the STUPIDEST thing I could ever do, umm he threw me against the wall and started wailing on me and kicking me he finally stopped after I tried to get away and he yanked me up my hair and dragged me to the living room and three me to the floor I got up and tried to run out and I felt something slam against my leg and I fell I looked and I saw that he threw a plate at my leg and a piece of glass cut deep into it I ripped it out and said why are you doing this to me and he stopped and didn't say anything, he was silent and he just looked and that was the first and last time I ever saw sympathy and sadness and I saw the andrew I knew when I first met him the kind andrew but he wipped it away within as second he just marched past me and left and he didn't come back for a week  I did go to the hospital and that was what really happened when I told you mum, Nick that one got attacked in the dark when I was walking home that's not what really happened, it was andrew. And last night he got mad cuz I didn't tell him in was with mum and that's how this happened" I said pointing to my face, after I was done they all looked at me and said nothing it was still sinking in nick stood up and walked over to me I stood up also and he stared at me and put of nowhere he hugged me so I tight I could barely breathe I winced At mycstomach he squeezed it a bit to hard he let go and looked at my stomach "oh my god" he said quickly his voice cracking In the end he let me go and his eyes filled with tears and he looked away and Blake do it of the house "nick" I said following him but john grabbed my wrist lightly I looked at him and he hugged me also not as tight as nick tho "I'm sorry this happened to you you didn't deserve it at all" he whispers in and my ear he let go and the rest of the guys hugged me and told me soothing things I finally got to simon we didn't really know each other but I felt like he was my best friend, he looked at me with sadness and he hugged me like the rest of them  it this felt like nicks hugs not like a tight hug a bit a brotherly hug a protective hug, like I said it was like nicks hugs. We pulled away and my mom basically fell into my arms and started crying I held her tight and told her I was ok she soon calmed Down a small I walked her upstairs so she could take a nap after that I walked down and it was only john down there "hi John" he looked at me and gave a sad smile but he got up and hugged me I smiled into his chest and breathed his scent ,he finally pulled away and looked down to me and sighed "hey where is everybody else" I asked "they went to go find nick and calm him down well only Andy and roger did but Simon just walked out he said he was going to take a walk" he said softly I sighed looking down "hey it's ok you don't need to stress " he said to me I looked up at him since he was way taller than me "I don't know if it's ok anymore I have kept this whole Andrew thing from nick and my mum for years ever ancestors nick got  In the band I knew mad do stress about it " I said "well if you want me to be honest you should probably be a bit stressed about it but not to much and I'm not saying be stressed because you deserve it I'm l
Lblkbb/ it so that you don't hold it a in its not good to hold it in" he said truthfully "your problably right" I said calmly he smiled at me and hugged me Once more a second later nick walked in and looked at me "umm I'm gonna go find simon see ya" john said and walked out nick was still looking at me I sighed and saw his eyes start to water he kept the same expression and didn't look away from me "why did you keep that from me all this time" he said quietly I sighed shakily "I couldn't tell you" I replied almost crying he opened his mouth to speak but he just closed his mouth again and sighed looking down "nick, are you mad at me?"  B up almost immediately "no no, Eva I could never be mad at you, im sorry I seem like I'm mad but I'm not I love you Eva" he said "I love you to nick" he pulled in for a hug and I held tightly on to him he gave me one of his big brother hugs and embraced me and it was like he was protecting me but that's what big brothers do.

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