first airplane ride

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Johns P.O.V
I sat on the couch holding celestine and I heard I knock at he door, I got up and answers it and it was simon, he smiled and handed me the bags and took the baby I just laughed and checked the time it was 9:00 am (Eva basically had the baby the day before they were just at the hospitAl for a day) celestine was now a day old kinda, I walked into the living room and saw simon softly singing to her and I looked through the bags of baby stuff and set it out I made the formula and walked Into living room with the bottle and simon handed her to me "simon squirt some of this on your wrist and see if it's to hot" I said he nodded "no it's not it's just right fit the little one" I thanked ked him and softly grabbed the bottle from him and fed celestine for the first time simon watched us like a hawk and smiled I was smiling down at my little princess while she drank the formula, after in was done I softly patted her back to let her burp, when I was done simon took her back and I sat and watched quietly, smiling.  simon soon left and I had celestine to myself I looked at the clock it was 9:30 pm I sighed and picked up celestine and smiled at her, her lips picked out as she slept and her little snores filled the silent apartment, I brushed my finger across her cheek, and she opened her eyes and looked up at me, I smiled down at her I looked at her and silently enjoyed her presence, soon I laid down and laid celestine only chest so if she moves or cries I will wake up,

This is the position they are in,

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This is the position they are in,

I closed my eyes and rested my hand on celestines back so she wouldn't fall and I soon fell asleep.
Next morning
I woke up to the of something moving my eyes flew open and I saw celestine wiggling on my chest and she started to cry I picked her up and went I to the kitchen and held her while she cried I made her bottle and gave it to her after seeing if it was to hot she immediately stoped crying and drank her milk. I walked into the living room and laid celestine on the ground on a soft blanket and gave he to me of her toys and she chewed on it I giggled and walked I to the kitchen grabbing my coffee and drank it, I quickly got ready and ran back into he living room to see if celestine was okay and she was I walked over and picked her up "we got to get your mum today hmm?" I said holding her on my hip and I looked at her and she was being curious looking round I smiled and grabbed her baby bag and walked out, I walked outside and I caught a taxi, and went to the hospital. We finally got there an do got out and walked inside and went up to the front desk and the lady smiled "aww how old is she" she said "she is only three days old" I said she awed "I am actually looking for Eva Rhodes" I said she nodded and looked through the files she had "umm she is in room 46" I thanked her and walked to the room number I finally found it and Eva had her back turned to me and she was drinking water I gasped and spoke up "look who it is celestine" I said Eva's turned around and looked at me and grinned "celestine look" I said she opened her eyes and looked up at me "hi baby" Eva said walking over to me and taking her and she looked down at her smiling "wow john, look at that, we made this" she said I smiled and kissed her head looking at her, I looked at Eva and she had her makeup done with her hair in a ponytail with her bangs out and she looked beautiful she looked up at me and we shared a sweet kiss, we both pulled away and she smiled at me I looked at her and took in he beauty and she looked away and back at my little princess. We got all the stuff together and we headed out after I sighed her out of the hospital and we caught a taxi and went back to the apartment  And Eva immediately put all go her attention to celestine I had no problem with it I smiled at how good my life was in that moment.
Two days later
Eva and I were running around the apartment getting everything together we finally got it "ok I got celestine" she said while grabbing her baby stuff " ok I will take her down stairs" she said walking out I laughed and picked up celestine who was on the couch and walked out "umm baby?" I said she turned around "what" she said "I think you need the a baby if you want to take the baby" i said and I laughed she sighed and walked up to me and grabbed her "hey don't stress it will be ok" I said she breathed in and out and smiled at me I leaned down and kissed her she and she blushed looking down "ok you wait downstairs I will be there in a minute" I said she nodded and walked of she was wearing a blue shirt that was tucked I to her high waisted jeans (the jeans I am talking about are called mom jeans I love them look them up and see what I mean ) and her hair was done (so that means her hair was like poofy 80s style) I smiled and went back inside and grabbed all the two suitcases and the backpack that had all of our stuff and I walked to the downstairs of the hotel I saw Eva and celestine standing there and Eva was reading her book I walked up" ok let's go" she nodded and we got a tax is and headed to the airport, we finally got there and we got through security and met up with the guys at the gate we all walked on to the plane and put our stuff up and Eva held celestine she handed her to nick and put her suitcases up she soon took her back and we sat down she let out a breath and looked at me "ok we made it" she said I laughed and she giggled and rested her head on my shoulder I took celestine from her and she fell asleep, I grabbed her car seat and put her in it and laid it against the seat in front of us, we were in 1st class we had a lot of room and she could be put there, Eva looked at me and smiled I send back and kissed her, and she soon fell asleep.
Eva's P.O.V
I opened my eyes and John had been reading a magazine I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked behind us and simon was asleep and nick was also reading a magazine, "hey nick" I said looking back at him he looked up and smiled "hey"  he said "look at simon" I said he looked over and simon was asleep and he was in a funny position he laughed and looked back at me and I snapped a picture

VI opened my eyes and John had been reading a magazine I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked behind us and simon was asleep and nick was also reading a magazine, "hey nick" I said looking back at him he looked up and smiled "hey"  he said ...

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OOk let's just pretend this I an airplane

I showed him the picture and he giggled I showed john and he giggled to. I sat back and rested my head on johns shoulder and he picked up celestine and we both looked at her, I noticed she,rarely.
Cried which made me even happier, we heard a groan behind us and we saw simon wake up he put his arms and out opened and closed his finger while his eyesore were still closed "ok I am stealing small one gimme" he said still with closed eyes we both laughed and he opens his eyes john looked around and go up rushing over to simon and gently handed her to him and sat back down before a flight attendant saw him, nick had immediately put all of his attention on celestine nick and simon both baby talked to her and they would giggle every once in a while, I sat back again and looked at john and we smiled at each other and I closed my eyes falling asleep.

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