Nothing can go wrong today!

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*Whole story in Chika's P.O.V*
I had just finished an exhausting yet fun-filled session of practice with my idol group, Aqours.

They are amazing! I started the group after I had watched in awe at a very famous idol group called Muse. I soon found myself learning all their songs, I was honestly obsessed with them, to the point where I wanted to start my own idol group!

As I was drawing nearer to my traditional Japanese-style house I had a weird feeling. It shot down my spine and made me shiver like a hairless cat in winter. I started taking long, solid steps. It was as if I was learning to walk all over again. I thought I might have had that feeling because I felt someone was following me..? I then stopped and thought about what I had just thought about. I had cold shivers of nervousness run through my body.

I was as scared as a chicken running away from a fox, I couldn't move forward, I froze and I was definitely too afraid to look back. So I just stood there like a lemon and thought to myself how close this stalker would have been to me now since I had stopped. I finally had the nerve to turn my head and glare behind me. I counted to

I pivoted around and saw nobody, well nobody unusually hiding behind a brown, thick trunk of a tree. I guessed that about 4 seconds passed until I saw one of my closest, if not the closest, friend I have, You, turn the narrow corner of the street. I pretended I was walking in the direction I was facing this whole time, even though she k ew I didn't live this way, but I had one, if not a few, excuses in my head.

As soon as we were about 2 metres away from each other we both grinned and those grind eventually turned into laughter. It was really for no reason but I just carried on anyways, it might of been how weird we both looked, our mouths stretching from ear to ear. Once the laughing died down we started normal conversation but I would say it only lasted for about 2 minutes because You ended it by saying she needed to rush home since she had some family business to deal with. Of course I wasn't going to ask for details so I let her off and I was alone once again.

I didn't feel uneasy anymore so I made my way home, I wondered if my mum would be there since she told me she would be working for a little later than usual this week. My Dad would definitely be there though. I skipped happily along the pathway to my house, I was as happy as could be, I wasn't expecting anything to go wrong today, how naive.

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