Its affecting my lessons...

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I slip in through the crack of the school entrance doors and rush to my class room. I am nearly late to class but before my teacher calls my name out I am stood up behind my chair. I'm trying to bury the thoughts of my parents divorce and the very obviously sad You standing a few desks ahead of me. "Good Morning!", I almost whisper. 

I pull my plastic, blue, school chair out and park my butt on it. I take a deep breath in...and then another one...and then another one. Soon I find myself panting. I notice all of the stares I am getting so I try to slow down and stop.  I was not in the mood for school today. Once the school bell rings I jump up and hurry to my math class. I arrive earlier then usual and most people haven't even got here yet.

I rapidly sit down in the corner of the room and stare out of the window next to me. I spot birds flying in 'V' shape pattern. I spy a lot of trees in the playground, much more than usual and then I start to fantasise about the future. I zone out and think about my parents, they look happy, they are getting along well. I snap out of my day dream when my teacher shouts, "you have a maths test TODAY!" I wasn't bothered to listen to anything else so I take a pencil out, as he instructed, and I start to draw.

I start off with the base of an anime girl but then my hand carries my pencil away from that drawing and I start to draw this beautiful swan. She has fine feathers, I colour them black at the edges, her beak a bright orange and her eyes a capturing blue. I start to colour in the tips of her tail in black when all of a sudden I go tense and I feel a presence near me, someone breathing on my neck. I turn around to see the teacher standing behind me! I turn a bright shade of red and immediately grab the rest paper from my clean desk. I try to pretend I have been doing the rest all this time but I know deep inside of me that I'm not fooling anyone.

-Time skip to end of lesson-

I look at my test paper to see o my half of the questions complete, no where near to where I usually finish. I pick up my test paper and I gradually wall up to the teacher's desk slightly hesitantly. I'm scared she'll give me a detention or even worse, that's not the thing I want to be dealing with right now. I slide the paper onto the pile on her desk and speed out of there. I'm glad I don't have maths tomorrow!

I step past the three halls and I finally reach where my next class will take place, the art room! I usually get quite excited for art but I feel so worn that there is no way I could be excited about anything today...

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