It's just a sick joke.....right?....

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I arrived home, beaming. The smile on my face was enough to tell my parents that school went well, so I didn't waste any breathe on explaining all about 'my exciting life at school today'.

I was feeling pretty parched, but I had only just realised how dry my mouth was. I couldn't care less about that though, I trotted along to my kitchen, grabbed my favourite mug (given to me by You on my 10th birthday) and poured some mango juice into it. I wouldn't settle for water. After I had wolfed down my fresh drink I headed upstairs because, like I said before, muse practice was tiring.

After maybe 2 hours, maybe another 30 minutes, there was a knock on my door. I remember I always told my parents to knock before entering so I knew it was them. I got up from my soft, comfy bed (which I really did not want to do at that moment) and slid my beige and brown-lined door.

It was my parents alright, but they didn't look like themselves. What I mean was that they looked glum, both of their heads were hung low and their skin was as pale as snow. Their lips both quivered and they both looked desperate for some warmth, but it wasn't cold at all in the house...I knew something was wrong.

I could confirm that when they said, "Sweetie, we have some news for you and now might not be the best time I tell you this..." I was honestly scared about what could come out of their mouths...
"Are we moving..!?", I exclaimed, this was my home, my friends lived here, Aquors life was here...
"No Honey, well not exactly...You're not moving but...", the last word my mother said hung in the air...there was a 'but'.
"W-what are you saying..?!", now I felt my skin shaking. I was petrified of the next few phrases that they would say...

"Well Honey....Sometimes two people aren't just meant for each other....your Father and I...sorry Chika...but we are getting divorced.."
It felt like a knife just stabbed me in the heart. I had to hold back my tears, I had to force myself to speak.
"W-what!? N-no! W-why ca-can't you guys just wok things out!? N-no! I-it can't be!", I couldn't hold back my tears, it was like a cloud had held in all of its rain that it was collecting for years and then suddenly it was all let out.

My bed was wet, my clothes were getting damp too...but I didn't care not after that news...

They can't really be...right?! It's just some sick joke....right?!...

My saddened parents got up and left in silence. I couldn't believe this was happening. No! I won't believe it...

No way...

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