You isnt good either...?

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*Sorry if some things don't match up to the anime (like I swear Chika takes a bus to go to school xD). But I still hope you will and always enjoy! :3*

I must have fallen asleep after 'the talk' yesterday. I was still in shock, I couldn't imagine myself not in shock by this! I didn't want to get out of bed because I knew if I did I would have to endure a day, a whole day probably just thinking about what the near future held for me, but oh lucky me, it was a school day.

I forced myself out of bed and walked sadly to the shower. I do this everyday, yet today it felt like an eternity just washing myself. Once I was out I couldn't even be bothered to dry properly, after that I slipped my school uniform on and silently went downstairs to eat my breakfast.

Of course I knew who was going to be down there, my parents. They were both eating and they looked oblivious to the fact that I was sad, it was as if that whole discussion never happened to them! I was disgusted I didn't want to talk or even look at either of them!

Right now I was frustrated and crest-fallen. I sat down at my wooden table, which had a large, white table cloth on it, lined with gold. I reached for a biscuit and nibbled on it. I really didn't feel like eating so when I was half way through the chocolate-coated biscuit, I stood up, straight and tall, and walked upstairs to quickly brush my hair

I grabbed the nearest brush and rapidly ran it through my hair. I honestly didn't care for anything. I rushed my way out of the door, taking my school bag from the corner of the eating table on the way out.

All I could do was sprint. I had nothing to think about other than the divorce. It spun circles around my head and it made me feel nauseous, as if I could collapse at any moment. As I was at the edge of falling over due to dizziness I noticed You again. She looked a little depressed while walking to school. I mean not even I, who had just heard her parents were getting divorced, hung my head so low.

She was saying something about some family business right? Well I honestly, though this makes me sound like a monster of a friend, didn't want to pass by her and get involved with whatever was happening in her life.

I took a quick turn around I street I had never been down, it looked very rough and almost torn apart, it was the complete opposite street I lived on. Even the people I walked past were a bit on the tough side, smoking, kissing and the next level (Ew!). I just wanted to scoot out of there, so I was madly dashing down this crazy street when all of a sudden this grown man asked me for something! Of course I wasn't going to even look at him, I knew he had started following after me, but after a few minutes had gone I knew my tiny, little feet had carried me away from him.

To my surprise as soon as I had ended the street and took a right turn I saw my school. 'A shortcut, huh?', I thought to myself. Even though I knew it would take me to school faster than what I normally walk, there was no way I was going down that street again.

I had actually forgotten all about my parents' divorce. I had to be reminded by You turning up to school though. I mean I'm glad she came and all but her sadness was spreading to me like a very contagious disease.

As soon as she entered the school gates I had just enough time before the school bell rang to say "You....everything okay...?" It was a bit stupid if you ask me though, she obviously was not.

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