His Last Roar

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You know what the title means. I'm not sorry. And I have something important to ask but I'll put that in a separate chapter.


Moo Moo

I grunted and opened my eyes, the gentle swaying and the feeling of someone's arms around my back and knees had me wanting to sleep again. I blinked quickly, taking in the features of my... Saviour? "Hey Brian," I say, my voice raspy and raw. The man glances down, smiling softly.

"Hey Brock, how're ya feeling man?" Brian asked gently. I tried to sit up but felt a sharp pain in my spine. "Fine, though my spine hurts!" He chuckled, shaking his head holding me tighter.

"Where're the guys?" Brian inclined his head ahead of him. "There, they're having a chat. Evan seems pretty stressed ever since you guys escaped though..."

A light bulb seemed to appear over his head as he grinned evilly. "I want you to play dead, then I'll pretend to be so depressed. This'll serve them right for leaving you behind!" I was a little unsure with Brian's plan but went with it anyways. I fell limp in Brian's arms and breathed shallowly. "Guys! Brock he's- he's dead!" I heard Brian yell.

I hear the running of footsteps and someone squeezed my arm. I recognized it immediately as Evan's, "What do you mean he's dead Brian?!" Evan hissed, clutching my shirt tightly. "Bitch what did you do to Brock?!" I hear Tyler growl, Tyler's voice had always reminded me of a tiger's.

I feel Brian shrug and tears landed on my face. Someone was crying, "C'mon Brock, you can't die! I just met you," Craig yelled. "You better not die on us!"

Jon and Luke stayed silent. I decided now was the time to scare the shit out of them, I jumped out of Brian's arms and changed into a full on griffon, roaring. They screamed in fear and surprise. I changed back and found that Evan was nowhere. "Don't do that again you asshole!" Tyler hissed ruffling my hair affectionately. I batted it away with a grin and went off looking for my friend. I found him behind a tree curled into a ball, shivering. I touched his shoulder and flinched when he slapped it away. Sighing, I pulled him into a comforting hug and stayed there, petting his hair.

"Don't do that ever again Brock, please..." My eyes softened and I whisper an apology to him, hugging him tightly. How could I have forgotten? He's afraid of me or Tyler dying, if one of us were to, he would break down. But if both of us were gone. Well, he'd be lifeless of emotions like a porcelain doll. Tyler and I were like Evan's anchor ever since his mother died and will always be. I'm drawn out of my thoughts when we heard a loud crash and screams from a distance. Both of us jumped to our feet and ran looking to see what happened.

"Fuck off Craig!" I hear Tyler say, a smile in his voice. I raised my eyebrows at the scene in front of me. Tyler and Craig were rolling on the grass and pawing at each other playfully, smiles on their faces. All of sudden we heard a gunshot in the distance and a loud angry roar. Shit! I almost forgot we were in the land of the Outsiders, idiot! "Guys let's go!" I yelled, running ahead. Another gunshot, another cry of pain from some hybrid. The cries of pain echoed in my mind, what were the SPF doing?!

We ran inside an empty house and slammed the door shut, our heavy breaths filling up the room. I panted, leaning against the wall when a sharp pain stabbed my spine again. Goddammit! Why does the world hate me so much? I slumped to the floor and Brian sat down beside me, tired too. Obviously... I saw Luke and Jonathan talking to each other, a serious expression on their faces. Tyler and Craig were playing around with each other and Evan. Well he's just in a corner, eyes unseeing.

We all jumped up to our feet when we heard a someone knocking on the door fiercely. "Open up! SPF here for monthly check," an officer said. Evan walked over to the door, nodding at us. He flung the door and kicked the nearest officer in the chest which sent him flying. I ran over and punched one of them, ignoring the pain. It's kill or be killed in this world and I can't afford the other. Officers swarmed like bees to n attacker, guns blazing. Gunshots rang in the air and I grunted as I I kicked one guy off and uppercut the next. I was pushed to floor and growled under my breath, I shifted and roared angrily. Beating my wings up, I swiped at the men, pecking at some of them.
My heart pounded when I heard the sound of helicopters and maybe tanks. And no, it's not those military tanks, it's specially made for capturing or killing hybrids. I screeched when something hit my wing and morphed back, gasping. A new dart?! I searched the sea for Evan and found him trying to fight off four officers. I ran forward and tackled one of them to floor. I started punching him and punched him to sleep. I felt someone grab my shoulder and threw me out of the raging crowd. My eyes were wide when I saw that everyone was there, expect Tyler. "RUN AWAY BITCHES, LEAVE ME TO DEAL WITH THESE BASTARDS!" Tyler screamed from somewhere in the crowd. My heart ached and my eyes hardened.

I knew this would break Evan but I had to. I grabbed Evan's hand and pulled him away, tears stinging my eyes as he fought against my grip. "Tyler! Tyler NO! Brock let me go! TYLER!!!" Evan screamed, pain evident in his voice. He struggled, clawing at me and stopped cold when everyone suddenly just. Died. Tyler roared and it vibrated deep in my chest. Before my eyes, the helicopters, tanks and officers all fell limp on the ground. Tyler stood there, hunched and panting. Alive. His gaze met mine, "I told you assholes to... Run away, didn't I?" He breathed before his eyes rolled back and he collasped on the floor. What did Tyler do?!

Evan jumped out of my arms and sprinted to Tyler, skidding on the bloodied floor. He knelt down beside his friend, I ran to his side. My throat closed up, Tyler's necklace was shattered in tiny pieces. "Tyler... How did you- how did you kill them all?" I say, voice cracking, the people behind us forgotten and all we knew was the one dying in front of us. Tyler cracked a grin, "I used it," he said simply.

"You idiot!" Evan screamed, grabbing at Tyler's shirt, tears flowing from his eyes. "You fucking idiot! Why'd you use it?!"

Tyler's eyes softened and he raised a hand to pet Evan's hair. "I had to, or they would kill me and you." I didn't notice as I started crying too. It refers to his soul. Everyone of us has a soul and our souls are insanely powerful when used. But of course there's a price to using it. You'd die regardless if the world's greatest medics were to come along. I could feel the life seeping from Tyler's body as his breathing became shallow and his eyelids turned heavy. Evan let out a sob and hugged Tyler, I reached out and joined. When we pulled away, Tyler had stopped breathing, eyes closed and body lifeless. Evan screamed out his agony before someone came and hugged him tightly. Jonathan.

I can't believe it. I just cannot believe Tyler's dead. In my head, I hoped that Tyler would jump up screaming "Got yo ass!" And we'd all roll into a fight of laughter. But I knew he wasn't coming back, not now, not ever. Tyler's command just now, that was his last roar.

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