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HEYO!  I have data Now so I have no excuse to NOT update... Well unless my dad uses all of it bfr the end of the month the it's fine!!! Was tagged by: ChaolypticCrticism and don't worry. I don't mind people tagging me, tag me all you want. XD

1) Do you like someone?

Well no. Not really since I also have my face buried in Fanfics I rarely take notice to the peoples around me.  :3

2) Do they like you back?

I dunno. I don't know anyone that likes me so I don't really give a damn yknow? Anyways I've gotta finish school first before thinking bout relationships!!! (When I say school I mean all the way to Uni- mother's words)

3) What's your middle name?

Well shit how do I answer that question? Where I'm from we don't really have middle names. Although I guess Natasha counts since its after my first name. Sorry.

4) Single or Taken?

Single thank you very much. :)

5) Last person you texted?

Uhh... My mom cause I had to tell her I'm home. XD

6) Last song you listened to?

Mighty Long Fall by One OK Rock :P

7) Battery percentage?

A depressing 19%

8) Best girlfriend?

I'd say without hesitation: ppolar!!! SOPHIE YOU ROCK MANN!!

9) Best boyfriend?

Hmm... I'd say Jun Jie my classmate,  we treat each other like siblings despite what others say.

10) Favourite OTP?

Hmm... I would say H2OVanoss but it's changed. I'm shifting for several of them so I don't really have a favorite though H2OVanoss would be at the top. :P

11) Why did you make your account?

Haha,  well it all started when I first began obsessed with H2OVanoss. I happen to come across -Akuma-No-Ko- hybrids Fanfic. (sorry I tagged you lol)  I saw her Fanfic and was really inspired by it and I loved writing so I messaged her because I was going to use kind of her idea/ style. Anyways, after that I got more ideas and couldn't stop. I'm surprised now that Till Our Last Breath is still going because I would usually stop writing half way and drop the story.

12) Current lock screen?

It's a little weird I know but whatever

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It's a little weird I know but whatever.

13) Birthday?

25 June :)

Now that's done time to tag some Bitches!!  APOLOGIES IF U HATE ME TAGGING U!  SINCE I HAVE NO FRIENDS ONLY THESE!!

And apologies

That's all, don't do it if you don't want to okay?  Anyways see ya!!

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