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It was hell honestly. The moment that bitch of a queen opened her slut mouth all the hybrids came rushing. I'd shifted by then acting on pure instinct and rising to the air. This would hopefully be our last battle. Though it probably wouldn't seeing as how the SPF were still chasing our ass. A dragon came my way and I flipped,  my spiked tail thrusting into the dragon's soft underside. I pulled it out and grabbed the dragon's neck before tearing it off its head. Blood spilled. I watch from the corner of my eye as Evan shot flaming feathers into the hybrids down below.

I whirled and clawed at another creature bringing it down. Evan's cry of anguish as his father crumpled to the floor like an unstable jenga tower struck me. He'd only met his father after thinking him dead and now he's gone for good. Brock fought beside Brian on land, back to back. Delirious fought a few of the creatures and I almost flew down to help had a body full of mass came and knocked me out of the sky.

I growled and got up,  spewing flames from deep in my chest onto the poor trees and unsuspecting animals. The hybrid that knocked me down grinned. A dragon with large glowing purple eyes,  black scales with a white underside. A crown of horns protuded from its head and I snarled. "I'm Death Lord of Fire , bow to me." The Queen addressed me by my title and spat flames at her.

"Bow to you?  You must really have that snout of yours shoved so high up your ass  Mors, you think I'd bow?" I snapped. She looked offended before swooping in to try have a bite of my neck. I flipped over and smacked her head with my tail and she fell into the trees.

I land on the ground and lay low looking for her. Instinct struck and whipped around quick enough to block an oncoming attack from her. She snapped and I hear a low rumbling coming from her throat and jump out of her grip just in time as black purple flames erupted. Oh hell no! Her name may mean death but bitch I am hell itself!

I dig my claws into the dirt and roared feeling the earth beneath me crack. This some epic fight though... Flames rose from the Earth and I watch in amusement as the Queen and the other hybrids try to avoid them. I hear a howl of pain come from Jonathan and my attention was quickly averted. Stupid mistake Cartoonz! I'm knocked down to the ground and hiss as the Queen dug her claws deep into my chest.

I kicked her away with my back legs and stand up shakily blood pouring out from the wound. Evan flew over to me and tried to heal the big gash with those powers of his. He went to say something only to be grabbed and tossed by another pheonix. Sydney!  I stood and tried to get to him and roared as I feel claws tear the membrane of my wings. I whirl and slap my tail to the face of the Queen, grinning as one of her horns tore off.

She screamed and I kicked her onto a crack. Flames burst from it and lifted her up as her screams of pain echoed. I cringed as I watch her wings start to melt,  blood dripping. One of the hybrids came to help their master but Brian took care of it.  Jonathan limped to my side and watched as the Queen turned into charred skin.

The flames soon retreated back into the Earth and the cracks closed up leaving whoever was stuck there dead. I stare at what was left of Mors and shook my head. Power overtook her mind and made her this way. I changed back into my human form and pat Jonathan's arm.  "I heard you scream, you alright man?"

He nodded smiling, "Yeah just one son of a bitch decided to bite my tail and nearly ripped it off."

"Gonna guess Evan helped you with your boo boo," I say teasingly. He chuckled and punched my arm playfully. "Bitch I ain't a kid,"

"Yeah right,"

"Evan it's okay,  don't cry." I hear Brock softly say. We make way to them and my heart sank. Evan lay kneeled infront of a destroyed corpse that was once his father. "Hey didn't your dad say we were gonna go somewhere?" Brian spoke up.

"Yeah, The Tower of Restoration"

I stared at him, "Couldn't it be any more original?" Brock shrugged.

"Supposedly you're supposed to use your powers and 'reset' the world but I don't know how that's gonna go down,"

"Where is it?" Evan asked,  standing up and wiping tears from his eyes. "At... Lost City I believe,"

The fuck?  "What kind of fucking name is that?" Jonathan laughs.

"It's supposed to be where the lost souls hang out,"

Brian put a hand on Evan's shoulder and smiled, "Well friend no time to mourn. We need your wings,"

"Yeah okay, let's reset and start anew. By the way this is not a video game so I don't know how the fuck that's gonna work," Evan says walking off before shifting.

"Deal with it brother,"


IM BACK FROM THE DEAD!  ISNT IT GOOD TO BE BACK FROM THE DEAD? If you get that ref I love you. Sorry haven't been online ain't got network So I couldn't really upload.  Things are looking up for the gang and things are gonna be over quick.  But question is...

Will everyone make it out,


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