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Halo Luvs, this is a new story I'm planning on doing after I finish this and I'm wondering what do you guys think.  So here's the prologue for ya:

He looked at his brother, "You ready?" his brother's eyes were nervous yet determined. "Yeah, it's the only way after all..." he nodded,  stepping out into the field. There were many warriors, most if them in a group.  Immediately, he felt overwhelmed but kept his cool.  They needed to do this, they had no other choice,  no other way. He perked up at the sound of a microphone.

"Alright warriors, you know the rules. Be the last to survive and you'll get the cash." He bit his lip and looked over to his younger brother before taking his hand and squeezing it.

"We'll make it Mini, I promise." he said, using the nickname their mother had given him. Mini nodded and tensed up, holding his sword tightly the other on his pistol.  The older looked back and charged forward once the signal had been made. The brothers were a whirl, cutting through all their enemies,  eyes hard and unfeeling.  The older brother,  kicked an armored man away and Mini sliced off his head.

Two men came their way and they only had a second to glance and they ducked,  firing off their guns. Other people were still fighting but it was mostly the ones that worked in groups. "C'mon Mini,  we can do this!" the brother shouted, shoving his sword through the chest of a man and shooting another behind. The brothers had been doing this long enough they've become experienced,  but that didn't mean they were used to killing desperate people like themselves. Soon enough the battle was down to a fight between the brothers and a group of seven. The older didn't want to kill anymore,  just looking at the bodies he and his brother had chopped,  sliced and shot through were enough to make him sick.

The group circled around the brothers, snarling at them and shouting curses.  The two stayed close together,  back-to-back. Three of them have guns and the four have swords.. The men rushed in on them but the brothers just jumped away. The elder knocked one of them out and the younger managed to shoot one of them down.

Five left.

Elder knocks another out and the younger kills another.

Three left.


One left. 

The older walked up to the last guy,  shaking at witnessing what the two could do. An unfathomable force. The man dropped to his knees,  begging the elder to have mercy,  to let him have the money and told many lies.  The older knew this but gave the mercy anyways,  smiling at the man. "I know you're lying,  but that's okay..." he said,  walking away Mini shouting angrily at him.

"Why'd you do that Vanoss?! We could've gotten the cash money!" Mini exclaims, grabbing his brother's arm tightly. Vanoss sighed and smiled at his brother tiredly.

"Relax Mini, we'll get the cash next time..."

"You say that every time! After every battle you give the win to the guy that had clearly lost!  What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Mini shouted,  blocking his brother's path,  an angry expression on his face. Vanoss sighed and waved it off, keeping his weapons.  His sword was getting dull and his gun was starting to wear down. Vanoss grabbed Mini's hand and smiled gently and for a moment, the younger was mesmerized at how his brother could smile so easily when their mother was dying.

"C'mon Mini," Vanoss said. "Let's go home,  Mum must be worried..."

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