Chapter 4

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Sorry guys I know it's been long so her is a short recap:

Leo's older sister, Sophia, gets pregnant with Izzy's father. Sophia warns Leo that he can't hurt Remus (the baby's father) so instead Leo tries to find Izzy so that he can sleep with her and then publically humiliate her in order to get revenge on Remus. He accidently runs into Izzy at a party, and realizes that she is good friends with his brother. He also realizes that she works at an orphanage so he goes to visit her there. Leo uses the poor orphanage as an excuse to invite Izzy to go to a conference with him in Europe. Izzy initially says no, but after seeing the excitement on the orphanage manager's face she feela like she has no choice but to go.

Sorry I am terrible with recaps, but I hope that helps you get the jest of it.


Chapter 4

Izzy had spent the next few days reluctantly packing. Raven helped her pick out some clothing that would be appropriate to wear in front of some of the most wealthiest and influential people in the world. While that thought intimidated her, what intimidated her even more was the idea of spending so much time with Leo. His PA had sent over their itinerary, and Izzy had been taken back. Leo had told her that he would take care of her airfare; she didn't think it meant he would simply be allowing her to fly with him on his private jet. She had also received a small brochure with the name of a luxurious hotel on it. There was a small note from Leo's PA attached to the brochure, it read:

'Mr. Constantinides wanted me to provide you with information on where you will be staying. As you can see your stay with include privileges to the spa, pool, restaurant, VIP lounge and much more. Please contact me if you have any questions.'

Izzy had frowned at that, there was no reason why she had to stay in that hotel. She had done some research and found a few Inns close by that were more in her price range. She was going there to work, so what use would she have with the spa, and all the other luxuries this fancy hotel provided. Gathering up her courage Izzy used her cell phone to call Leo's assistant.

"Mr. Constantinides' office, this is Laurie, how can I help you?" A chirpy voice came from the other end.

"Hi Laurie, my name is Isobel. I believe you sent me the information about the travel plans to Europe?" Izzy asked trying to keep her voice upbeat, and polite.

There was a brief pause on the other end, and Izzy heard some shuffling. "Uh yes, Isobel Samuel?"

Izzy cringed ever so slightly. "Yes. I just wanted to let you know that you can cancel my hotel reservation. I am going to book another room close by."

"I'm not sure I understand." The crisp voice came from the other side, and Izzy frowned. She had no doubt in her mind that anyone else would have been over the moon at the idea of staying at such a grand hotel.

"I would like to pay for my own stay. Mr. Constantinides has been more than generous in proving the orphanage with not only the opportunity to attend the conference, but by also providing the travel. I couldn't possibly accept him paying for my stay as well. I am sure you could appreciate that?" Izzy finished. She knew she was being intransigent, but that's what Leo got for manipulating her into joining him. The conference was a wonderful opportunity, but she didn't have to be the one to go. There were plenty of other employees at the orphanage who were more than capable of taking her place. The idea of leaving her mother alone for two weeks didn't sit very well with her. She knew she was in good hands with Raven, but still. Her mother was just getting worse and worse each day, and she wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.

Laurie was quiet on the other end. Izzy was starting to think that the other woman had disconnected her call. She couldn't really blame her if she did; Laurie probably never got calls like this one.

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