Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Miss. Samuel!" A tiny voice yelled behind her. She grimaced slightly before turning to face the small red-haired child.

"Nicky, how many times have I told you to call me Miss. Izzy?" She asked the boy. He was one of her kindergarten students. His bright freckles and little button nose just added to his wholesome personality.

The little boy blushed and looked at his equally tiny feet, "Sorry Miss. Izzy. I forget."

"That's okay Nicky. Now what did you want?" She asked smiling down at him. As a teacher she wasn't allowed to have favorites, but if she did it would be the little man in front of her. He was a new addition to the orphanage, losing both his parents to an armed robber.

His parents had set up a trust fund for him, but he couldn't get a penny until he was eighteen. His only family left was his aunt, who decided that taking care of a young child was putting a damper in her fun. So she left him at the orphanage, while she went to go enjoy her life.

Nicky's little fingers wrapped around Izzy's wrist as he steered her towards his flaking table.

"Look! I drawed you, Miss Izzy." He pointed to the crayon art in front of him.

"Drew, Nicky. You drew me." She corrected and gently picked up the drawing. The drawing was beautiful. It had two stick figures. One was taller than the other and had a ponytail, she figured that was her. The other was smaller and had bright red hair, which was obviously Nicky. He drew a picture of him hugging her, and she felt a pang in her chest.

Her job was full filling most of the time, but it also left her feeling empty. She hated the fact that she couldn't personally give each of these children a perfect home. She hated that couples who came to adopt only took the attractive ones, leaving the sweeter children behind.

"I love this Nicky, it is so wonderful." She told the boy.

Nicky turned to her with big bright eyes, "You really do?" he asked her eagerly.

Izzy laughed at his excitement, "Yes, I really do!"

"You can keep it if you want. I made it for you." He told her, and quietly started putting the crayons carefully back in the box.

"Wow, thank you! I shall put it up on my fridge." She planted a quick kiss on his forehead and slowly rolled up the drawing.

"Izzy is that you?" A voice called out as she opened the front door.

"Yes mom, it's me." She locked the door behind her and placed her keys on the coffee table before heading to towards the kitchen.

Marissa was standing over the stove, vigorously stirring whatever was in the pot. Her frail body was cover in a very ill fitting blouse, and ankle length skirt.

Izzy went up behind her and wrapped her arms affectionately around the older lady. Marissa took her free hand and gently patted her daughter's hands.

"What are you making?" Izzy asked peering over her mother's shoulders.

Marissa stopped stirring and turned off the stove. She covered the pot with a lid that was too big and faced her daughter. "I am making caramel. I remembered that it's Sandy's birthday tomorrow and she likes caramel doesn't she?" she asked brightly.

Izzy smiled her mother, "Yes she does. That's so generous of you, mom." She kissed her mother's wrinkled face and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

They both walked to the attached living area and sat on the mouse colored couch.

Izzy looked at her mother and smiled. Today was one of the good days. She knew because her mother didn't usually leave her bedroom on most days.

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