Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Izzy jerked awake as the plane touched down on the runway. She looked around her in confusion for a second before realizing exactly where she was. She glanced up and saw Leo's eyes set on her face, and she felt herself flush as she recalled the incident from earlier. She was thankful to the sleep that had taken over, not only had it made her miss the landing, but it also allowed her to ignore Leo.

"Good afternoon." Leo greeted her as he snapped his laptop close. Izzy smiled at Leo and straightened up. Her shoulders ached from her odd sleeping position, and her head hurt from the flying.

"Good afternoon." She mumbled as she reached behind her neck to massage out a knot. "How far are we from the hotel?" She asked him looking out as the plane pulled up to a stop.

Leo looked at his watch and shrugged his shoulder. "It's about twenty minutes away. I thought we could stop somewhere for lunch first though." He told her and gave her his most charming smile. He needed to get past his slip from earlier, and he would do whatever it took to make her forget that it had ever happened.

"I thought there was going to be food at the conference." Izzy told him, ignoring the way her stomach fluttered at his smile. 'Men have smiled at you before Izzy, they might not have looked like him but that shouldn't matter.' She told herself silently.

The corner of Leo's lip hitched higher. "Yes, but we are a bit late so I doubt that there is much food left, and it there is it's probably cold by now. I would prefer to start my stay in Europe with a nice warm authentic dish."

Izzy tugged on her lip as she processed what he had just said. She didn't want to spend any more time with Leo than she had to, but it looked like she didn't have much of a choice. If it were up to her she would have been perfectly satisfied with eating cold left over food. "Okay." Izzy said, not sure how to exactly respond to him.

She saw Leo's eyes tune into hers and she was scared of what he was going to say. Luckily the flight attendant came up beside her and offered to get her things for her to depart the plane. Izzy didn't hesitate before rising out of her seat and following the attendant out of the plane.

As soon as she stepped out she was surprised by the cold air that floated around her, and she immediately felt goose bumps on her skin. Hurriedly she shook her blazer open and slid into it trying to warm up, even if it was just a little. She turned to look behind her and saw Leo walking down the steps. He nodded to something past her and she turned to find a sleek black car pulling up beside her.

She was still looking at the car when she felt a warm hand on her back. "Get in, you'll be warmer." Leo's deep voice sounded. She turned quickly and was surprised to find that Leo was so close to her. Not needing to be told twice Izzy quickly got into the car, and sighed in bliss. Her blood felt like it was running through her body once again, and she reached up to try and tame her windblown hair.

"I didn't expect it to be so cold!" Izzy exclaimed once Leo was settled in beside her.

He turned to her with an entertained look. "It's usually much worse." He told her, and his eyes crinkled with laughter.

"But it's already freezing!" She complained, not being used to the cold.

Leo raised an eyebrow at her. "And you were going to walk back and forth between the hotels." He reminded her.

Izzy bit her lip. "I still could, I just need to pull out my jacket from my suitcase."

Leo had to give her props for going through with her act. "Well good thing we don't have to worry about that anymore." He told her pointedly and reached for his vibrating phone.

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