Louis Falls Down Stairs

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This is a high school AU.  Hope you enjoy. 

Words: 3,178

Louis hadn't always been clumsy. Today, however, was a different story. After the bell rang for second period, he grabbed his stuff and walked through the hall. There were students everywhere, the hallways jam-packed as usual.

His class was downstairs, so he followed the crowd, waiting his turn to go down to the first floor. He went slowly downward, taking each step one at a time. As he placed his left foot on the stair, he somehow tripped and began falling forward. He freaked out and held his hands out in front of himself to break the fall.

After awkwardly falling two feet from where he was standing not just ten seconds ago, he turned to grab his books that were now splayed out everywhere. None of the students said anything to him. They continued their trek to class without saying a word. Disgruntled, Louis got up to retrieve his Chemistry book which was barely in arm's reach.

He winced a bit when he felt a little ache in his ankle. It was nothing too bad, so he grabbed his other book and continued on to class. He could tell he might've done something to his ankle, but he was still able to walk on it and didn't think too much of it. When he entered his classroom, he sat down next to his good friend, Niall.

"What's up, Lou?" Niall said, greeting his friend who was a little later than usual.

"Hey, Ni," Louis said, placing his things on the desk and taking a seat.

Moments later, the tardy bell rang and class was started. The teacher, Mr. Anderson, stood at the front of the class and lectured them all about atoms and how to balance equations. It was really boring and pretty frustrating because Louis just wasn't understanding it.

"Okay, now I'd like you to turn to page 142 and work on the first three odd-numbered problems and then we'll discuss it." The teacher then went to his desk and got on his computer while the students groaned.

After fifteen minutes of trying to work out the problems, Louis needed to sharpen his pencil. He got up from his desk and almost cried out at the pain he felt in his ankle. He could hardly walk on it now. He took step after step, slowly making his way to the front of the room to use the sharpener, and every time he stood on his right foot, he winced and tried not to cry out. Something was definitely wrong.

When he turned around to make the painful journey back to his seat, the teacher happened to glance at him and did a double-take. "Louis, are you okay? I see you're limping there."

Louis looked at his teacher, embarrassed. "Uh, no, I fell down the stairs before coming to class. I think I did something to my ankle." It was starting to really hurt and kids were staring at him now, glad to have a distraction from doing their work. "Can I go to the nurse?"

"Yes, let me just fill out a form for your hall pass. Do you need help getting there?"

Niall raised his hand eagerly. "I got it. I'll go with him."

After handing him his pass, he was free to leave with Niall as his escort. "So what did you do, mate?" Niall was keeping him steady as Louis leaned on him for support.

Louis explained what happened as they entered the elevator. It was the first time either of them had used the school elevator, and they felt kind of important to be able to do such a thing.

Once they reached the door to the nurse's office, Niall asked, "Okay, you got it from here?"

"Yeah, thanks, mate, for your help." Louis watched Niall walk away and Louis walked into the office.

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