Chapter 3: Thoughts

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A smile form on your face, you couldn't stop thinking of the man, he was a mysterious one. Before you knew it, you heard the children laughing, seeing the man, you could only blush to yourself. Hearing a noise besides you, you looked only seeing Robbie being a grump.

"Children should be seen and not heard." annoyed as he was, he was trying to sleep on the bench while you just hang your legs on top of the wall.

"You could go back home."

"I don't wanna." you could only giggle at the man. Seeing him throwing his pillow back in the trash can, he just stare over. Children playing, while the blue elf himself was there. Robbie crossed his arms, he was thinking. You could only assume, "He needs to leave." he spoke causing you to roll your eyes.

"Sportacus is a good man."

"Yeah well he is annoying. I don't know what you see in him. You never even talk to him." it was true, Robbie knew your little crush on the town's hero. You only sigh to yourself, before fiddling with your fingers as your legs stopped swinging.

"I...I..." you stopped yourself as you saw his hand onto yours. He made them stop, looking at him. He only sigh to himself.

"Honestly, __________. Stop being so nervous around him. Just because I don't like him, doesn't mean you have to hear me complain. I know you like him. Trust me, all my plans fail." he was being honest with himself. Which made you feel happy inside. Forming a small smile at him. He let go of you, before looking back at them. You on the other hand, just watched.

"He wasn't at the ball..." he knew, yet he stared back at you.

"Maybe he will tonight, than again. Didn't you want to see 'Ithro' again?" in truth be told, you actually wanted to see him again. Those eyes of his were mysterious and beautiful at the same time. He was kind, but..

"Indeed, but I feel a connection with him." Robbie sigh once more. Shaking his head,

"And yet what did I say?" he was right once more. He knew you better than anyone. Jumping off the wall, you began to walk away from him. Robbie just watched you deep down inside of him, he really cared about you.


His mind only focus of the girl he saw at the ball, sure he get a lot of questions wondering why he wasn't there, but truth be told. He wanted some alone time without people knowing who he was. Yet..that girl..her dress was beautiful along with those eyes that he can't help, but be captivating. He felt a tug on his vest, looking down, he saw Stephanie.

"Everything alright?" she asked. Such a curious one, he only patted her head, giving her a smile.

"Everything is fine." he fib a little, but he didn't want the children to know why he didn't show up.

"If you say so, Sportacus." with that she ran off to her friends. He knew the children would not be there tonight, yet he had to keep this a secret from the others. It was the only time where he could be himself without trying to impress the others. Indeed he didn't mind, but lately...

"Hey give that back!" his thoughts were broken, looking up he saw the children yelling at the girl who just gave them back there ball. He could've sworn he had seen her before, yet his mind was playing tricks on him. Walking up to them, the children began to leave, while you fiddle with your skirt. Looking up at him, you form a small smile.

"Hi." giving him a little wave. Sportacus found this adorable.

"Hello, I haven't seen you around here before."

"I moved here long ago. Just never been the outdoor type in a while." to be honest you just wanted some alone time. Since the broke up and Robbie comforting you and all. Seeing his face, he probably knew what was going on.

"It's nice of you to be here." reaching into his bag, he grabbed it and handed it over to you. Taking it, you saw it was non other than an apple.

"Thank you." with taking a bite, Sportacus only kept staring at you, while he crossed his arms over his chest.

"So what do you like to do." Nervous struck you, yet you gulped a little while taking another bite out of the apple.

"Focus on my passion.." before you could even continue, you felt something vibrated in your pocket. Taking it out and place it on your ear, it was non other than your friend. With A few words exchange, you played it back and looked up at him. "I'm sorry, I have to go." you ran off leaving the elf confused. His hand was reached out, for some unknown reason, he was more interested in you than ever.


"Great timing, Robbie." you frown at him as he was helping you get your dress on. Fiddling with the fabric, Robbie began to speak,

"Well it is almost time for the ball. I'm sure Sportacook will be there." and with the nicknames once more.

"I guess you're right." Robbie finished his work, before he lead you to the bathroom. Sitting down on the chair that was in there, Robbie began to do your makeup.

"I'm very proud of you though." You could only blush at his words, applying foundation onto your face. Checking to make sure he got it all, he went to finished with the rest.


"Shhh, you'll ruin my work." indeed he was right as he began to work on your eyes, the same as they were yesterday, but added a bit of silver for the sparkle, he than went to do your eyeliner and mascara. Placing them on the table, he grabbed a different color for the lips, he seem to find the right color.

"Robbie..why are you doing all this. I could do it myself." Robbie only went to look for the item he needed. Once he did, the color was a dark red, that's a new one. He began to apply it very carefully, before he spoke.

"You're my model, I want to make you beautiful." your face turned a darker shade than the lip color itself. Robbie found this amusing, placing it back on the table. You looked at yourself in the mirror, you were indeed someone else. Robbie then began to work on your hair, a little different than he had on yesterday. "What should I do, keep it down or a tuck and curl?" you rather prefer your hair down. The way it feels when you dance made it feel light as a feather.

"Down is fine, maybe skip the pearls this time." Robbie frown a little, than again.

"What about making it wavy? And instead of the pearls why not a white flower?" you actually like the idea and you nodded. Cracking his fingers, Robbie began to do his magic.


He finished up real nice, placing the mask over your face and staring at yourself in the mirror. You couldn't believe it, Robbie was a miracle worker.

"Robbie you should consider changing your lifestyle."

"But it's good to be bad." you only shook your head as you saw him climbing out of the hatch.

"Whatever makes you happy." giving him a smile, the two of you headed off to the ball. Your only thought was if you were going to see Sportacus...than again if the other would show up.  

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