Chapter 4: Another Night

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You waited for him, by the balcony you were, you hope he would come. You didn't see Sportacus so guess he was a no show for one. Maybe he wasn't into these kind of events. Sighing to yourself as you look up at the sky, it was once again a beautiful night.

"Where are you?" you asked yourself, before you felt a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. You flinched a little,

"Didn't mean to frighten you, my princess." the voice, you calmed yourself down as he let go of you, staring into those eyes of his you smile.

"Ithro, you came." he took your hand giving it a small kiss, causing you to blush.

"I never break a promise, Rose." he smiled at you as he took your arm and walked you back inside. "I would like to get to know you a bit more, if that's alright?" he asked. You only nodded as the two of you went to a more private place by the corner, it wasn't loud so it would be easier for the two of you to talk. Leaning back against the wall, you began to speak,

"So what made you come here? North is far away after all." Ithro only chuckled to himself as he leaned himself back next to you.

"The mayor invited me, I couldn't refuse. What about you?" he asked. You began to fiddle with your fingers for a bit,

"I...I always wanted to go. My friend well...he suggested it that I get out more. Find..someone..." looking up at him, he was listening. He took your hand, giving it a small squeeze.

"Did you find who you were looking for?" you shook his head.

"He didn't show up, he...well doesn't know I exist for one." he only wondered who it could be. He found you more interesting by the minute, moving his other hand up to your chin, making you look straight into those eyes of his.

"He's a fool for not showing up, for someone like you. A princess should not be kept waiting on a night like this." you lean your head against his chest, his arms wrapped around you.

"You're too kind to me." you couldn't help it, you were falling for him. The sound of music broke the moment, he looked down at you.

"Wanna dance?" you only smiled at him, he smiled back knowing the answer Taking your hand he walked you to the floor, side by side, you both began to dance.


Drinking from the cup he had in his hands, Robbie only watched you from afar. Indeed the mysterious figure you were with he found curious. He was treating you well, which was good on his part. Yet he could tell, you were falling for him. Drinking more from his cup,

"Where the hell is that elf." he growled silently. To be honest he actually wish the elf was here. Maybe get a conversation out of him for once without trying to kick him out of town and all. Placing his cup down, he needed to talk to you, with the music ending, he walked up to you. Tapping on your shoulder, you saw him, the man noticed and let him cut. "Only for one dance, than she's all yours." the man nodded, stepping off the side, you wondered what Robbie was doing. As you both began to dance, you spoke,

"Something wrong, Robbie?"

"Indeed, but i can't help it." he twirled you around, bringing you back close to him.

"Help with what?" you asked, he swayed to the side, causing you to fall back, he caught you and twirled you around once more. Hands touch and he pulled you close once more.

"He's so kind to you, I just want you to be careful." you nodded at him.

"One more night and he will be gone forever, I know." he saw you were sadden. He pulled your chin up, causing you to look at him.

"He never showed, I couldn't find him." least you knew Sportacus wasn't going to show up, not at all.

"At least.." you looked over at Ithro. "I'm having fun for once." this caused Robbie to smile. The song ended, Robbie left you going back to his usual spot, you looked back and didn't see Ithro. Strange, you began to walk around. Where was he? Maybe, you went back to the balcony, you didn't see him there. Maybe he had to use the restroom or something or maybe getting drinks or whatever. You didn't blame him, you waited for him to show up. You looked back as you heard footsteps, but it wasn't him, some guy wearing nothing but a big purple hat and a purple coat, he indeed look like a pimp or some kind. He walked up to you, frighten as you were, you moved back, hitting the rail. He was close to you, his hand caressed your cheek,

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone." indeed that sick grin on his face.

"Please leave me alone, Ithro is coming back."

"Intro? Well I don't see him anywhere." he looked around, like he was calling you crazy or something. "The names Rikki Rich." he took your hand and gave it a kiss, you only politely smile at him. "Do I owe the pleasure of knowing your name?"

"Rose...just Rose." he only curled his lip, you were freaking out inside. Your nerves got the better of you. "I have to go." you started to walk away from him, but he quickly grabbed your wrist, tugging at it, you whine.

"I didn't say you could leave."

"Let me go!" he grabbed your other hand, pulling you close, eyes widen with fear, causing you to shiver. Rikki only found this amusing,

"And let a pretty thing like you go, not a chance." he leaned in closer to your ear and whispered. "Maybe you should come home with me, and show me some dance moves.." he was sick, struggling he only gripped harder.

"Please.." you felt a single tear fell down your face, before Rikki heard a voice.

"Let her go!" Rikki saw the man before him, he pulled you away from the man that was hurting you. You wish he was here sooner, "The lady said please." Rikki could've sworn he heard a growl from the man, fixing his coat, he walked away.

"It was nice chatting with you, Rose. I'll make sure we meet again." hearing him chuckling, Ithro looked down at you, he wipe the tear away, checking if everything was alright.

"He didn't hurt you did he?" you only shook your head. You were scared, he pulled you close to him, rubbing circles behind you, you were breathing in and out trying to calm yourself down. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave you."

"Line was long?" you spoke, causing him to chuckled.

"Indeed." this caused you to giggle, this made him smile, he saw you were feeling a little better than you were before.

"Least you came back for me." he rubbed his finger over your cheek with his thumb.

"I'll never leave you." he pulled away from you, before he took your hands. "Tomorrow, I want to say this, promise me you will return?" you wondered what it was, but you only nodded. This caused him to smile even more, he leaned in and kissed your cheek. This caused you to blush a deep color, he saw everyone leaving. The man before him, came back for you. You looked over seeing Robbie.

"I must be going." Ithro nodded, before he leaned in close kissing the top of your forehead. Saying his goodbyes, you were star struck. Robbie only rolled his eyes,

"Come on, let's get you clean up." he was right, you were a bit of a mes at this point. Walking together back to your home, Robbie only smiled down on you, "He really likes you that much."

"Yeah.." happy sigh, Robbie only shook his head.   

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