Another Shot

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As most of you know, we develop physically and emotionally as we age. It's a part of life. We never fully understand these changes, but we allow our natural instincts to take over.

As a high schooler, I thought I was immune from emotions. Seeing how my life was prior, could you blame me? I was fully robotic, no thoughts or emotions. I was given commands and followed them blindly. I thought this was my purpose, until the summer of 2009.

It was the end of my sophomore year. We had a summer soccer league to prepare for the regular season. Mostly everyone showed up to practices and games, some traveled. What was great about this season was players from other schools could play with us if they wished.

Our team (the boys team) never had guest players, but the girls had gurst players practically every year. We never got to meet them because our practices were at different times of the day; we practiced in the morning and the girls in the afternoon.

However, that year was different. Some of the girls practiced with us to learn new skills and for extra cardio. I had nothing against them practicing with us; they were actually very close with us. But I noticed something was off. Something was different.

I walked to the field, looking at the clouds. I loved getting lost in the sky, forgetting my problems. Halfway across the field, I sensed something coming towards me. A soccer ball was falling towards me, about two feet away from my face. I dropped my duffle bag and caught the ball. I looked towards the group of players, and that's when I saw her.

She was a new player, from a far away school. She was shorter than the other girls. She had long, brown hair flowing all the way down her back. Her bangs covering half her face, giving her a mysterious look. Her eyes were a dark brown, with hypnotic abilities. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

I eventually snapped out of my trance and threw the ball back. What just happened to me? I thought to myself. I dazily picked up my duffle bag and proceeded to the bleachers where the
rest of the team was getting ready. I greeted everyone like normal, but something drew my gaze back to her. I didn't snap out of it until Kevin tapped my shoulder.

"Yo, James?" he said. I shook the cobwebs out of my head. The others were stretching on the field when I returned to reality. "You okay, man?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm good." I replied. "Dude, who's that?" I pointed at her. She was talking with the other girls, paying no attention to me. Kevin looked in that direction and smiled.

"That's Kourtney." he said. "She's from Kamai. Apparently, she's good friends with the girls team. Why do you ask?" He asked my in a sly way, elbowing my arm. My face felt like it was on fire. He laughed at my embarrassment. I playful pushed him in retaliation.

"Get on the field." I said jokingly. "I have to get my stuff on." He saluted me and joined the others. I chuckled to myself. I started putting my equipment on, trying to refocus for practice. As I started tying my shoes, I felt a vibration on the rickety metal bleachers. I paid no mind because it happened a lot; people came to the bleachers checking their phones or drinking water. Then, I see a hand waving in my face.

I looked up and was greeted by the sight of an angel. I was speechless and caught completely off guard. She looked puzzled at me.

"Hey," she said. "I'm sorry to bug you. I'm Kourtney." She extended her hand to me. Shake her hand, James. What are you waiting for? Her hand was soft and smooth. My hand instantly started to sweat. I tried to speak, but nothing came out. Her right eyebrow rose in confusion. What the hell is wrong with you? Say something! "And you are?"

"I-I'm J-James." I felt my dignity slowly diminish. She chuckled. I let her hand go and just stared awkwardly at her. I could tell she felt uncomfortable around me, so I ended things there. "It's nice to meet you."

Without A Voice (Based On A True Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें