It Appears

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As predicted, we texted each other nonstop. We asked each other how our days went and what we had planned for the weekend. The months passed and we grew closer and closer. We even asked each other to our respective Winter Ball. Things were looking up from then on. 

It was Election Day and the schools nationwide were closed. There were only state official positions in the election, like govenors and mayors. I was home alone nursing a cold, and Jacob went to our grandparents' home for the day. Kourtney kept me company via text messages. Every message put a smile on my face, as well as my heart. She was all I needed to get over this cold. Then, I noticed something wasn't right. 

She was texting '...' at the end of her sentences. Traditionally, that is a sign that something was troubling. She never texted in that manner before. 

'Are you okay?' I texted her. I was very concerned. There was a silence. Five minutes passed, then ten minutes. I thought she needed her space, so I decided to turn on the television. It was noon at that point, so nothing good was on. With that, I got out of bed and made some chicken noodle soup. 

After lunch, I decided to take a nap. My headache was slowly turning into a fever. Still no response from Kourtney. I wondered if I said something to upset her. I placed my phone in my pillowcase, directly next to me. Then, I slowly drifted to sleep.

Hours later, my phone is vibrating. I frantically retrieved my phone, only to see a text message from Mother. She wondered how I was feeling and if I wanted anything special for dinner. I replied telling her I was fine and that I was okay with anything. The adrenaline subsided, I placed my phone on my chest and returned to my slumber.

Then minutes later, I get another text message. I groggily looked to see who it was from. I initially thought it was Mother, informing me she was on her way home. But it was only 2:30, much too early for her to be off work. To my surprise, it was Kourtney! I immediately opened the message:

'I can't tell you... I just took a test...'

I was confused; she didn't mention about being ill. I curiously asked what kind of tests she had done.

'I can't tell you...' she replied. I started to feel uneasy. I couldn't figure out what these cryptic messages could be alluded to. My heart started racing, my headace intensified.

'When will you get the results?' I would soon regret asking her that question. Little did I know, my world was about to crumble into dust.

'I'll find out in nine months...' I was speechless. It took me no time to figure out what had happened. Kourtney slept with another guy and got pregnant. I could feel the tiny pieces of my remaining soul shatter and die. An unknown feeling came over me; it wasn't anger or depression, but much more sinister.

'How could you?! Just when we were getting closer! I can't believe you did this to me!' I was lost for words. I wanted to cry and punch something. My heart ached emotionally and physically.

'I'm so sorry! I was drunk and it was stupid! I never meant to hurt you!' I didn't care what her excuses were. She betrayed me and that was what I knew.

'I don't care! I don't care what you have to say! Never speak to me again!' I turned my ringer off and threw my phone on my bed. I placed my face in my hands, soaking them with tears. I wanted to scream, but didn't want to draw attention from my neighbors.

I was so angry and confused, I needed to talk to someone. I texted Mother about what happened. She informed me that we can talk at home. I agreed and turned my vibrate mode off. I didn't want to talk to anyone or look at anything.

Why? I thought to myself. Why would she do that to me? How could she do that to me? Was I not good enough for her? Did she even like me?

I walked to the bathroom to wash my face. I needed to distract myself from my dark thoughts. My phone became a cursed object that I wanted to avoid at all cost. I splashed my face with ice cold water, trying to wash away the betrayal. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror, at first. I was ashamed of myself, ashamed of what she did to me.

I mustered the strength to look at my reflection, and was scared at what I saw. My face was the same, but there was a sinister energy around me. A dark cloud or energy surrounded me, like a smoke. But that wasn't the scariest part of that image. My eyes were glowing, blood red. My reflection wasn't me; it was its own being. I was paralyzed with fear as it started speak to me. 

"She never liked you." It spoke in a slow, diliberate way. It wanted me to understand every single word it spoke. "You were played for a fool."

"Who are you?" I asked, scared out of my mind.

"Ask your father." it chuckled. A shiver went down my spine. How does he know Father?

"W-what do you want?" I asked.

"I want you to be angry." I was confused by its response.


"Because she deserves it!" It shouted in immense anger. Its eyes glowed brighter as it angered. I shuddered, scared beyond all belief. "She played with your soul! She hurt you! You should hurt her back!" 


"But nothing! You are spineless, just like your father!" Then, something snapped in my mind. When it said that about Father, I felt an abundant amount of power course through me. I never felt this kind of power before.

"Don't ever speak of my father like that!" I shouted, "Ever!" It smirked at me.

"There," It said calmly, "that is the anger I am looking for. That is the anger that she deserves." I started to breathe deeply, almost growling with every exhale. My knuckles turned white as my fists tightened. I paused for a moment, shaking my head furiously. I loosened my grips and stared at my now bloody hands. They didn't hurt, but it was terrifying that I was that furious. I looked back at my reflection and It was gone. What just happened?

I couldn't stop thinking about It. I could still see Its red, piercing eyes staring at me. I was scared to look in the mirror the rest of the day. After a shower, I looked to my phone to provide some distraction from that horrifying ordeal. My screen displayed over twenty new text messages, all but one from the same person; the one different-sender message was from Mother informing that we were having fried chicken for dinner. At least I had that to look forward to.

I now regret reading all of Kourtney's messages, but hindsight is always 20/20. Every message was her apologizing relentlessly and begging for my forgiveness. My anger grew with every message. I couldn't take anymore of her pleads. I responded with one simple message:

'I will never forgive you. Never speak to me again or come near me. I hope you and that other guy  will be happy together. Goodbye, forever.'

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