Right Now

136 11 11

There she is. The defending Grand Champion.

Commander of Space, undefeated for the fourth year running.

"Holy shit, that's Evren, oh my God," Lev is freaking out next to me.

"Evren... she is Santeri's niece, isn't she?" I'm pretty sure I've told Dad this already, but I can tell by the twinkle in his eye as I glance at him that he's just humouring Lev. Thank God, because I definitely don't have the will to do that right now.

Lev and Dad are chattering away, but I have no idea what they're saying because Evren's started moving. She's stepped towards the announcer, whatever-his-name-is, and is beaming with colour. As always. She's smiling brightly.

"Hi, everybody! Welcome again to this year's National Combat Championship!" The crowd screams at top volume the moment she has the mic. "It's my pleasure to tell you guys about the grand prize this year! As always, the champion's gonna grab a 50k payout and exclusive interviews with all the major news stations in the country. Plus," she's pausing, probably for dramatic effect, "They'll get a year-long sponsorship, courtesy of Solbound." Even I couldn't contain my gasp.

Lev's elbowing me with a dumb smirk on his face. "Your favourite," he mouths as he pointedly glances at my runners. I roll my eyes. Yeah, yeah, I swear by Solbounds, so sue me. They fit like a dream and run like clouds apace with the wind. Gorgeous shoes. Better than my Nikes, maybe even my Skoras...

"...all expenses paid trip for two, like last year." Crap, Evren's still talking. Pay attention! "This time 'round, it's one week. In. Jasper National Park, Alberta! Lodging at the local Fairmont." Oh man, that's amazing. "So, good luck to all the competitors! Especially those in my division," she's giving us all a sly grin, "Because I 'ain't givin' up my spot so easy."

And with a wink, the infamous Commander of Space, Evren Kinnunen-Mwangi, skips off stage, her bright violet hair flying gracefully behind her. I think I'm awestruck, and I totally miss the announcer's French translation. Not like I could understand it much anyway.

Evren's marched back on stage, standing facing the crowd of spectators with a hand on her hip, and the announcer is reading us the rules. I'm finally here. I'm finally going to be in the NCC. I'm trembling with excitement. Dad's put a hand on my shoulder... I must be twitching pretty intensely. I need to keep my composure, but I can't help it. I can only stare down the grand champion. She is my goal. No one else matters, and I'll happily crush them all to get a chance at grand champion. A chance to fell the infamous Commander of Space. I'd be a legend.

"Remember that this is a free-for-all battle royale. All of our fighters are highly skilled and have trained for years to snatch a spot in our lineup." Amen. "For some of them, this will be their first competition, and for others, it will be their last. Please give all our participants a warm welcome! S'il vous plait, donnez nos participants des applaudissements très forts!" I can hear the crowd's thunderous applause, even over Lev's overenthusiastic cheering and whistling. It fills me with determination and I find myself smiling. "Let me introduce to you, first, the fighters of the Adult divisions, starting from those aged 18-24! In the Featherweight division..."

I roll back my shoulders and stretch my neck as the announcer goes through name after name, listing every contestant's figure. Most of them have to do with heights. It's one of the most common fears, after all. Getting over it tends to give you the same figure as the last person who got over their fear of heights. It's a useful figure to have for dodging; you just jump over your opponent and counter from behind, provided you – and gravity – are fast enough. Even Lev has a heights figure, although he only uses it for parkour.

It doesn't seem like anyone has an unusual figure I need to watch out for so I tune out. I've seen heights figures countless times. I've also seen water, darkness, falling, you name it. Beating them should be a breeze. I've seen how over and over. It's just the Commander of Space I really need to worry about. No one's gone up against space and won.

"Hey!" Lev's jab at my side shocks me out of my strategizing. I raise an eyebrow at him. "He's at the Lightweights! You're going up soon. You ready?" he asks.

I'm suddenly filled with an acute anticipation. I'm going up on stage. I'm finally going up on stage. "Of course I'm ready," I say, and Lev smiles mischievously.

"Go get 'em!" he says as he slaps my back and the announcer reaches my name.

"Aika Inoue!"

Dad gives me a final thumbs up before I walk onto the raised platform and am immediately assaulted by glaring stage lights. I set my sights on the line of fighters closest to me and walk confidently over to them. I try to keep a demeanor of power, to show that I'm not a push-over.

"Now Aika here is a bit of a special catch," the announcer's saying. "She's a first-time NCC competitor, but her career so far in both the junior match-ups and the qualification rounds in the adult division has been impressive. She's quickly risen to the top of her cohort, by employing a very unique figure," the announcer's voice suddenly drops and some of the audience members have leaned forward in their seats, "She's a handler of time, folks. A fast-forwarder." I've reached my line of fellow competitors and can sense the tension when they hear my figure announced. Good. "I think we're all excited to see how she does against the tried and true figures of most of our competitors. And, I think we should all anticipate a clash of the unusuals. We haven't seen someone with an unusual figure in some years. I wonder if this will challenge the undefeated streak of our esteemed Commander of Space..." Evren's staring straight at me from across the stage. I keep my eyes forward, on the crowd of spectators, but I see her in my peripherals. I can tell she's still wearing her signature smile and radiating all of her colours, but I also know rattled when I see it.

That's right, Space Girl, it's time you meet your match.

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