The Unusual Newcomer

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"She's a handler of time, folks. A fast-forwarder."

A what?

I almost completely spin my head around to get a look at who this girl could possibly be, but I stop myself mid-turn and act like I've just changed directions waving at the crowd. No need to be overdramatic. I catch the eye of a little girl in the audience – so cute, she's wavin' back at me – but I also notice that 'most everyone else is staring at a point to my left and behind me, at the newcomer at the front of the lineup.

We haven't gotten someone with a new figure in years. Not since me, anyway. And I've been holding the grand championship title for that whole stretch of time. A new figure could well knock me out this year.

I'm curious.

I smile, maybe a bit too hard in my excitement, but whatever, and I finally turn to face the competitors in my weight division. The polite thing to do would be to acknowledge the returning veterans, my peers, but I can't take my eyes off her. Aika Inoue. She's got on a completely composed expression. Her hair's neatly tied back in a pony, and she's so ordinary-looking I'm baffled. She could've come in here flauntin' her fancy figure like nobody's business, but she's... not flaunting anything. If her strategy was to stun us, she's doing a damn good job. I can see some of the others looking at her nervously. They must be thinkin' what I'm thinkin'. Where did she come from? What's her history? She seems young. How did I miss her? She's just standing there, totally cool, totally confident.

What a cool person, I definitely need to chat with her when I get the chance.

"...wonder if this will challenge the undefeated streak of our esteemed Commander of Space..." Joe's still going with her introduction. Now everyone's looking at me. I gotta stay composed, so I keep smiling, but I honestly can't help the intense staring. I'm curious and rattled and also distracted. She's your competitor, Evren. She could knock you out of the championship.

We're doin' some hardcore research when I get off this stage.

Joe finishes introducing the Lightweights, and then the Middleweights, Heavyweights, and Super Heavyweights. I'm surprised to see Justin in the mix, I thought I did a number on him in the battle royale last year. Guess he's healed up.

"That's it for our competitors aged 18 to 24! This is our largest group by far. Let's give them a hand as they make room for our 25 to 35 Adults," Joe says as he waves us off stage. I take the lead as he repeats himself in French and I bound down the steps before heading behind the curtains to the back. I must have brushed past the curtain with a bit too much gusto, because Maeva immediately greets me with a raised eyebrow.

"Whoa, what's got you so excited?"

I see Faith chattering away behind her with Santeri, who looks like his patience is gonna blow soon. I hold up a finger to let Maeva know I've heard her but need to postpone a response, and I grab Faith. I need to save my poor uncle from her merciless babbling.

"...and-! Hey! Evren! Oh my gosh, did you see that Aika girl? The newcomer? No, don't answer, of course you did, you notice everything. How exciting is this? Oh, man, I would kill to see a match between you two-"

"Faith, chill, you're gonna give someone an aneurysm," Maeva says before I can even open my mouth to respond.

"Right, sure, so Evren!" Faith continues rapid-firing her speech, completely missing Maeva's point, "Give us the deets! What's her story?" I laugh a little at Faith's enthusiasm, it's always endearing, but now I'm looking away sheepishly. I have no idea how to answer.

"She's as much a mystery to me as she is to you guys," I say hesitantly. "It looks like she's a first-year tryout; I didn't see her in the previous qualifiers but I missed this year's. She must've passed on her first go."

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