The Spacetime Manifold

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A/N: Life has absolutely kicked my ass lately but I am so close to finishing this story that it would be tragic if I didn't. It means a lot to me. So, surprise! Now that things have finally calmed down a bit, I have returned, ready to finish this piece (before I get to editing, of course). Thank you everyone for your endless patience, and here's to the coming end. :)

Jab. Cross. Jab. Hook. Duck. Now concentrate. Wait... wait... wait... now.

The gravity drops. Time seems to accelerate, just slightly, and I notice Nevaeh's neutral sort of smirk immediately shift to an excited smile. Her eyes twinkle. I feel my own smirk form as I drop my weight and aim my first two knuckles at the middle of the tiny target floating just a pace in front of me. My fist flies straight into the bullseye – I know it without seeing it – and the target hits the back wall of the room with a loud bang. After that, silence. My fist stings. In the good way.

Nevaeh's checking the target now. I adjust my hand wraps and shake it out. Evren slides up next to me, brushing my arm. We catch each other's gazes and I see it. She's rattled. But there's also something else: the twinkle in her eye I've noticed every time she looks at me. Like she's impressed. In a humble way.

Is this what it feels like?

"Aika." Oh, Nevaeh's speaking. I whip my head around. My coach is standing a few feet in front of us and now I think her smirk is partly for a different reason. She doesn't say anything about Evren, though. "This was it. You've hit all of them square on, except one."

"Trading the hand wraps for gloves was a good idea, then," Evren says as she oh-so-casually taps my fingers for emphasis. I'm pretty sure that was just an excuse to hold my hand without actually holding my hand in public.

"It'll certainly give her an advantage, which she'll definitely need." Nevaeh's looking pointedly at Evren as she's saying this, but neither woman says anything. After a hell of an awkward pause, Nevaeh nods. "So, Evren, I've gotta pass you off to Santeri now that you've both warmed up. Aika, grab a refreshment and escort Evren over."

I raise a brow. "My water bottle's right here?" I point to it. "And 'escort?' The gym isn't dangerous, Nevaeh."

Evren giggles. Nevaeh just gives me that look she gives when I've fucked up a training sequence and landed on my ass. She starts to say something, but then shakes her head and just gestures between me and Evren. The Commander of Space, still giggling, grabs my arm and pulls me out of the private training room with her.

Oh. Oh. Now I get it.

We walk over to the water cooler and Evren's hand trails down my arm to interlock with mine. I immediately feel heat rush up to my throat. I think I need a drink. Of water.

But I don't let go as we reach the water cooler by the front desk. I smile briefly at Tammy as I sip the cool water out of my paper cup. I don't look long enough to see her reaction but she doesn't seem to say anything. I look everywhere but at my girlfriend, until she squeezes my hand and, without thinking, I automatically lock eyes with her. She's smiling her usual radiant smile, but it's also kind of mischievous. I'm guessing she finds my embarrassment hilarious. I can't be mad, though. In fact, I'm smiling really stupidly.

Ugh, this is so sappy.

...I like it.

A sudden click from behind us interrupts the moment and Evren lets go of my hand so that she can turn. I follow suit and we come face to face with a cameraman and reporter from the local news station. "Aika Inoue! The fast-forwarder! And Miss Kinnunen-Mwangi as well! What a treat!" he says with a smile. "Don't worry, I won't bombard you with a sudden interview; the press knows it's not allowed to ask any questions right now. We're just running a little special lead-up to the Battle Royale and have been grabbing shots of all the competitors. We heard you two were training today." He steps forward to shake our hands. "Really a pleasure to meet you. My first year on the job, and I get to cover the NCC, so I'm quite excited." He clears his throat. "Anyway, where are your coaches? We wanted to ask them, and you of course, if it would be all right to grab some footage of your preparation. To put it in a montage or something, you know? Our editors are fantastic."

I blink, my brain not quite able to process everything at once right now, and Evren speaks first. She whips out her professional grin and puts a hand on her hip. "I think that'd be all right with me," she says, before winking at me. She lightly knocks my shoulder. "I think Aika, too, though I'd ask Nevaeh. Pretty sure she calls the shots on that stuff."

I don't even argue. Just nod. I've learned in my days of competing that I defer to Nevaeh if I want to keep my sanity.

"Brilliant!" The reporter motions to the cameraman and starts to walk off. "You seem to be on break so I'll wait over there for you, Evren, when you're ready." He stalks off, looking hilariously out of place in this gym with his pristine decidedly-not-workout-attire suit.

"You ready?"

I turn to Evren as she speaks and I can tell from the way she's looking at me that this question is asking about more than just one thing. Am I ready? For the explosion of media presence surrounding the Battle Royale, for the fight for Grand Champion of the NCC, for finally facing the Commander of Space in an epic battle while at a disadvantage, for Evren herself and what our relationship will come to be... Am I ready for these things?

I watch Evren watch me as she waits patiently for an answer and the world seems to disappear around me, time actually slowing for once, and inside me I know the right answer.

"Are you ready?"

Evren cackles and we're content to just stare for a second before parting ways.

It's time that Space meet her fourth-dimensional match.

"Well then, while we're alone, it's time for me to give you The Advice," Nevaeh says as I walk to the center of the training room again. She sits down, cross-legged, on the mats. I do the same. "I've analyzed Evren's NCC fights this year, video courtesy of the little bird I've had on watch for you, of course." Her expression drops to one that is serious. "Listen, Aika, your accuracy has improved immensely these past few sessions, but I'm not gonna lie. You're still injured, and a weak arm could be your downfall. Evren knows this. I also suspect she knows a lot about you, apart from your physical fighting style. Your matchup with her could turn into something psychological. I don't believe you can beat her alone."

"You're saying I should ally with someone to bring her down."

"Precisely. And I'd recommend you do that first, before you've exhausted your stamina. The Battle Royale isn't a walk in the park."

"But Evren will also be at her best at the beginning."

"Her endurance is better than yours," Nevaeh says simply. "It's my main takeaway from her fights. She knows how to make her energy last and use it effectively. No amount of cardio training will get you to her level."

"You're saying I can't win?"

"I'm saying you won't win if you go at this fight like you've done with the others."

I pout but I don't say anything. I know she's right. My track record hasn't been great. I've won by a hair's breadth every time.

"Listen, any win is a fair win in this final round. Everyone knows this. The people you're going to be up against are the best of the best, some undefeated. The audience knows it. The competitors know it. And there can't be any draws." Nevaeh pauses. "If you follow my advice, Aika, I genuinely believe that you can take this. I certainly didn't train you for nothing, but you certainly didn't make it this far without skill of your own." She clasps my hand. "Everyone knows your weaknesses, Aika."

Ishrug. And I feel the corners of my mouth start to curl upward. "Don't worry,Nevaeh. I also know everyone else's."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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