Chapter Six

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Arthur's POV

As I woke up I feel Alfred's arms and legs wrapped around me. I blushed and looked at him. He seemed to be sleeping rather contently. I watch his facial expressions. I can't seem to forget he kissed me last night, even if he was drunk.. what if it meant something...? I mean he did get me that nurse outfit...As Alfred sleeps, I hear him whine lightly. Was he having a nightmare? I watched him, a bit worried. He whines more and mumbles "A-Artie..." I tilt my head, I was curious as of what he was dreaming. "I-I'm sorry Artie... don't make me leave..."

My eyes widen, he must be slightly remembering last night... What if he dreams about kissing me? Alfred's cheeks seemed to grow a dark shade of red as he slept. I raised an eyebrow as he seemed to stir slightly. "A-Arthur..." I wasn't sure if he was still sleep talking or if he was talking to me in real life. I decided to respond just in case. "Yes Alfred?" He only stirred more, opening his eyes slightly, looking at me, his face was bright red. "M-Morning Artie..." 

"Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah..." He said as he moved slightly, assuming he was trying to get out of bed. He moved closer to me as he did so, that's when my question was answered. He wasn't okay. He must've had quite the dream to wake up with a boner. But... He was dreaming about me... Did he.. Did he dream about doing that with me..?

Alfred scrambled to get up, blushing as he ran to the bathroom. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this, knowing my roommate, who I share a bed with, kissed me last night and had a dream about me. I crawl out of bed and get dressed before writing a note and setting it on the counter. 'Going to see some friends, I'll be back by 3:00. Don't bloody mess the house up, and clean up from your party.'

After writing the note I grab my bag and head out. I was meeting my friends Vladimir and Lukas.

~After Arriving~

I sat on a sofa with my friend. Lukas had a book he was reading and Vlad was talking about something relating to castles in Romania. I however, can't seem to concentrate on anything.  I had Alfred on my mind, anything I tried to do, Alfred seemed to work his way into my thoughts. I couldn't stop thinking about the recent events. Why have I been blushing so much, and why do I have such an odd urge to.. kiss him.

"You alright Arthur?" Vlad asked, noticing me yet again being zoned out. "H-huh?"

"Are you alright? You seem a little off.." I bite my lip and nod, was I really alright? I'm not sure. I was thinking about my bloody roommate. My idiotic, loud, obnoxious, muscular, hot, cute, adorable, sexy, playful- wait what the bloody hell am I thinking!? Hot!? Muscular!? If Alfred is anything he's a fatass! My face heats up as now Vlad and Lukas were staring at me with questioning looks. "I-I gotta go.."

"But you just got here?" Lukas questioned. I bite my lip and quickly grab my things "I'll see you guys later" I said quickly before leaving.

What was wrong with me.. why was I thinking this way? Alfred is my bloody roommate! And that's it! I huffed and started to head back to my.. I mean the dorm.

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