Chapter Seven

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Alfred's POV

  Once I got out of the bathroom I walked to the kitchen to get some food. On the counter was a note from Arthur. Out of no where I felt a bit jealous. And I don't even know why.
  I bite my lip and start fixing some eggs for myself. Normally I'd fix something for Artie too but.. ya know. As I was cooking I began to think. I was wondering mostly about the dream I had last night. And why I faintly remember.. kissing Arthur.
  I wasn't exactly sure why, but I felt as if it actually happened and I wasn't remembering it fully. How much had I even had to drink last night? The party wasn't even supposed to have alcohol, but Francis, Antonio, and Gilbert brought alcohol. Then people started drinking. I don't even remember inviting them. I'm pretty sure I specifically said to keep them away from my party.
  Speaking of the party, I look around and see the mess, Artie told me to clean up... this is soooo much though. I'm too lazy for this shit. I sigh and begin to pick up some of the trash.
  After cleaning up, I sat on the small sofa and looked through Netflix, trying to find something to watch. I saw a new horror movie in my recommendations, I was really tempted to watch it. I knew if I did I couldn't watch it while alone... I'd piss myself if I tried. I love horror, just am a bit... startled by it... Maybe I could get Arthur to watch it with me.
  As if on cue Arthur came running into the dorm. He seemed scared, running from a demon or ghost. I look at him curiously "Hey?"
  He was breathing heavily, probably from running. His face was flushed. "E-Ello"

"You alright dude?"

"Y-yeah... I-I think..."

"You think? What happened dude?"

"N-nothing!" His face seemed to glow a brighter red than before. Some small part in my mind found it cute. I found him cute.
  His messy blonde locks, the way they fall perfectly into his face. Somehow not hiding his mysterious emerald eyes. His face was the perfect shape and his skin was pale but not too pale. Even the bushy eyebrows which were a bit larger than any other persons eyebrows, made him look cute.
  Then there was his body. His slim sexy body. I blush as I realized I was staring.

"Are you okay Alfred? You're staring at me"

"S-Sorry... hey wanna watch a movie with me?"

"Sure, I have nothing better to do." He said as he walked over and sat next to me. I bite my lip and turn on the horror movie I saw before.
  He crossed one leg over the other and sat back a bit, still keeping his proper posture. I smile widely as the movie started.
  The description said it was something about a serial killer. One of my favourite kind of movies! Especially since the hero in them always wins!
  As the movie played, Arthur seemed unaffected by it. Me however, I was biting my lip and clenching into the couch. I jump slightly, scooting closer to Arthur.

"Have you ever seen this movie before Alfred?" I shake my head. The hero in the movie was in jeopardy! The killer had him right there. The movie was almost over and I felt I was about to piss myself. I bit my lip and squeeze my eyes shut as. BAM. The killer got the hero. The hero was DEAD!? I jumped and clung onto Arthur, shaking.
  No horror movie just kills the hero! The good guy always wins! I felt Arthur wrap his arms around me as if I was a small child he was comforting.

"It'll be okay, Love. It was just a movie." Love? Why'd he say love? Is that a British thing? I nod slightly and bite my lip.
  He started rubbing my back gently, causing me to get sleepy. I blush lightly as I soon started drifting off to sleep in his arms.
  Right when I was about asleep bit still awake enough to know my surroundings I felt Arthur kiss the top of my head gently, making me blush more as I fell asleep fully.

He's Just a Roommate //USUK[Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن