Chapter Seventeen

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Alfred's POV

I smiled happily as I sat in the kitchen with Gilbert. He was smirking happily. I really wanted Arthur to like me... It's been a while since I asked if he liked anyone.. Then he said no, but Gilbert said he could help me. I wasn't sure what he had planned but I'm willing to do anything! "so what exactly are we gonna do?"

"We're gonna play truth or dare!"

"Huh? How would that do anything??"

"It could help us both, I give Arthur and you dares to get you two closer and you give me and Matthew dares."

"Okay? Will it work?"

"It should! I mean it's a dare! He can't say no!"

"Okay just don't make the dares.. too sexual"

"Awh why not?"

My face went bright red. Was he really asking this? I didn't plan on fucking Arthur due to a game of truth or dare. And plus my mom gave a hint saying she doesn't want sex there. "W-well... I did't plan on...fucking him... and I don't think my mom would appreciate that"

"Oh.. what if your mom isn't home?"

"Dude..what part of I didn't plan on fucking him didn't you get?"

"Sex isn't exactly planned Alfred!"

I sighed and smiled at him. God I swear that's all he thinks about. I'm not sure if I should help him with Mattie or not... I have a feeling he just wants to fuck my bro. Which is totally not okay. I mean if something did happen between me and Arthur, as long as he wants it that's all that matters right? Okay I know what I'll do...

"If something were to happen between me and Artie and it gets sexual... I won't do anything unless he shows he really does want it and won't regret it..."

"Sounds good to me! I mean I'm sure he'll want it"

I blush at the remark. Hopefully it doesn't get too sexual... I kinda just want to at least get Artie to be my boyfriend. I love him... I know I do... and I know when the time is perfect one day I'll tell him those words. 

Soon my mom walked into the kitchen. "Good morning boys"

"Mornin' mom" I said smiling widely. "Guten Morgen" (Good morning) Gilbert said after me, still having a huge smirk on his face. "I'm going to run to the store to get some things for supper and the Christmas deserts"


"Can you get stuff for German Chocolate cake? I can help make it" Gilbert requested. I never expected him to say he'd help her though. Wait won't he be helping me? Oh shit. I really wish I knew what was going on inside his head. Like what the fuck are his plans. I looked around the kitchen, I was surprised Artie was still in bed. "Have fun mom" I said before getting up and walking to my room, hearing my mom say to Gil she'd get the stuff as I left the kitchen.

I walked into my room and shut the door. Arthur was still fast asleep, holding onto my pillow as if it was a teddy bear. His face was a bit red and his blonde locks were in his face over his eyes. He looked so peaceful. His lips were in a soft smile. I walked over to the bed slowly, seeing Arthur start to stir. I sat down on the bed gently and watched as Arthur stirred again, moving and laying his head on my thigh. 

Soon his eyes fluttered open and he was looking up at him. He looked so adorable when he wasn't fully awake. "Morning Artie"

"Good Morning? Why is my head on your thigh?"

"I sat down on the bed and you moved in your sleep over to me" I said and watched as his cheeks flushed a deep red. Ahhh did he have to be this cute!? He gave a slight nod and sat up, in the process his head got a little close to mine. Okay maybe not a little, his face was literally touching mine. More like his lips touched mine. I blushed brightly and instinctively kissed him. 

'Oh shit what had I just done!?!?' I thought as I kissed.


Does Artie kiss back!? You'll know in the next chapter!! Am I evil(Because I'm literally trying xD) Accidental kiss! WHOOPS! welp since I want to write and got no objections about having PruCan in this book I'm adding it! Don't like it? Skip the PruCan shit, There won't be alot I promise! Thanks for reading! Ich liebe dich! <3  ~Phil

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