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Nimi's POV

So much variety in literature, too many to choose from. I look up from the selection in my arms that I have chosen. Just in time to see the autumn wind blow outside, upturning a few stray leaves. This sight, along with the murmur of people making small talk in the cafe of the bookstore I was currently visiting, made for a calming scene. I loved coming to this bookstore, even if I wasn't planning on buying anything. 

Time seemed to stop here. Also, this girl a bit shorter than me seemed to enjoy the quaintness of this little haven as well. She barely talked, and voiced barely a whisper whenever she ordered a coffee or purchased a book. I found this shyness quite cute, and was dying to meet her properly.

Sci-Fi has always peaked my interest. The dystopian futures and paranormal scenarios take me into a world entirely unknown to the majority of the population. The sound of the bell attached to the door rings through the store, and I instinctively turn my head towards the sound. 

The crimson- haired girl I've seen before walks in, shoulders hunched, emerald green eyes darting around the store. She stands in the doorway for a few seconds, as if to collect herself, then disappears behind a shelf.

Something about the way she had her scarf so tightly around her neck makes me worried. I attempt to brush it off as a style choice, and continue to study the books I have chosen. Yet, the presence of the green- eyed girl distracts my thoughts. I need to know more about her. Slowly tugging at one of my chokers, I realize that she's standing a few feet away from me. Making sure she's looking, I send a direct look to her.

Over the years, I have developed a certain stare. It portrays a sort of dead stare aspect, yet if the person is interested enough, will notice the emotion behind it. I try to keep that hidden emotion as a playful sort, but it always portrays how I'm feeling at that specific moment. To my disadvantage, the emotion that seems to have shown through was too zoned in on her, and her beautiful porcelain skin burns a red. 

Scared I did something to frighten her, I flash a smile. This only seems to make the poor girl burn even redder. She hastily grabs a book without looking and dashes off. I stand there for a second, wondering if I had done something wrong. Was it all my chokers, my piercings and bracelets? Did I intimidate her? Frozen in one place, I watch her buy the book and speed off the the cafe section of the store. 

She orders a coffee and sits down. Slowly, I put the books in my hands back, except for one. Gathering courage, I stride to the cafe section and order a slice of pumpkin bread. Once I pay for it, I walk over to where the red-headed girl is sitting. I note that she's slumping over her coffee. Almost as if she's scared of something. Pushing this thought aside, I set down my food. This seems to startle her a bit, and in the calm, sweet voice I have perfected over the past, I ask,

"Hi! I was wondering if it was okay if I sat here? I hate sitting alone, and you seem like the most reasonable person here." She looks up at me, a bit taken back. Hesitantly, she responds,

"U-uh, su-re." She stutters. Sitting down in the seat across from her, I run a few things in my mind. She stuttered, so she must not be used to social interaction. She's bad at hiding the fact she's quite nervous. In order for this to work, I'm going to have to be careful. Calm, patient and sweet. I morph my personality into the requirements needed, then proceed.

"I'm so sorry if I scared you, my appearance tends to do that. My name's Nimi. Would you mind if I asked yours?"

" name is, Sh-Shinya." Shinya directed her stare on the cup of coffee set in front her. Slowly warming up. This is good, I should have her talking in no time. Now, to keep her interested.

Agraphobia (GirlxGirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora