
12 1 10

Shinya’s POV

I couldn’t tell if I did good at playing my role as, the girlfriend. I look at my watch again, it read four thirty. Oh no. I only had until five to be home. I started to panic, and my anxiety hit me hard as we walked out of the bookstore.

I stopped in my tracks and hunched over, trying to catch my breath. I needed to go, right now. Nimi pulls me to the side and gives me a look of concern.

“Listen Nimi, I had a great time in all. But I need to go right now.” I gave her a sincere smile.

“That’s perfectly fine Shinya, I knew you couldn’t stay forever.” She looks around. “Did you walk here?”

“Uh...yeah, why?” Hesitating,

“You need a ride home? It’s getting dark.” Nimi asked.

Every bad scenario ran through my head, the big one was Fara seeing be dropped off by another girl. “I can’t-”

“No, I insist. If you walked, you can’t live too far from here. Plus, I don’t want to see your hurt. What if someone attacks you on your way home?” Nimi rants, clearly passionate about her point of view.

“Okay, fine.” I felt uneasy with my decision, but Nimi wouldn’t have gave up so easily on this, but right as the words fell from my mouth, Nimi’s face lighted up with delight, which made me lighten up.

“Yay! My car is just over here. Don’t worry I won’t kidnap you.” Nimi jokes, leading me to her car.

I laugh, anxious to just get home. Her car starts with a light purr, and I show her the way to my apartment complex. Straining my head out of the window, with a great sense of relief when I see that Fara isn’t home. She must be working late. I turn to Nimi as she stops the car at the entrance.

“Thank you, today was fun.” Say it. Just say you want to meet again! Nope. Nimi gives me a reassuring look.

“Hey, it was my pleasure. I had a blast as well. You play a good girlfriend!” She  laughs and looks into the distance, as if thinking about what she’s going to say next. “We should meet again sometime, don’t you agree?” When she looks at me, I see a playful glint in her eye. I want, need, to see that more.

“Yeah! That would be great.” I push my now fogged glasses up on my nose and smile back to her. She smiles back, and I hurriedly get out of the car. I wait and wave to her in goodbye, Nimi waves back, making my heart flutter.

I run into the tall building, skipping stairs again. I walk into the apartment, it looks to be the same as before. That’s good. I take my jacket off and hang it on the coat rack.

I go and lay down on the couch, today drifting through my head, making me smile.


I awake with sunlight hitting my eyelids lightly. I open my eyes and look around the room I’m in. That’s weird...I’m still on the couch. Did Fara not come home? Just as this thought comes into my mind, I hear shuffling in the kitchen, as well as two girls talking and laughing. Getting up slowly to investigate, I see that Fara is in the kitchen as well as some blonde chick.

“Fara? Who’s this?” I ask, wary. Fara gives a side glance to the girl. Turning back to me,

“Oh her? She’s my girlfriend. Bailey, this is my roommate Shinya.” Girlfriend? Wait...roommate? Deciding against arguing with satan, I shut up and sit up from the couch. I walk into the kitchen and grab a cup from the cabinet, snatching a glance at Bailey. She looks like a penny whore, to be honest.

Probably just another one of Fara’s ‘toys’. I sigh and fill my glass with tap water and walk back into the living room. Bailey grabs Fara’s waist and snuggles. “So Fara, I’ll be out today.” The look that she gives me is unidentifiable. I didn’t even realize what I said. I had never told her I would be out.

This decision would either leave me with going out, or wishing I was dying, somewhere. I didn’t dare to look back at her.

“Alright, just get the mail when you come back please?” Fara responds, voice cold. Only I was able to detect this tone of voice with her. Was I free to go?  Nope, not at all. But I needed to see Nimi again.

Nimi’s POV

The drive home was filled with thoughts from the day. The radio did little to distract me from these. She looked so uncomfortable acting as my girlfriend. Did I do something wrong? Maybe it was a mistake to ask such a thing from her this early on. I knew I had to take it slow to get my plan to work, but with Shinya, I was beginning to realize I might not be able to wait as long as I need to. The way her eyes light up when she’s talking about something she’s passionate about, her hair when it sways with the small movements of her head. Hell, even the way her glasses slowly fall from her nose, and how she gently uses her finger to push them up. Only in the center.

I hit the brakes at an oncoming red light. Shinya was clouding my mind more and more with every passing hour. I hate it. No other girl I have ever sought after had this power. What is it about her? Gripping the steering wheel a bit harder, I do what I always do when someone gets close to me. I try to hate her. I try to think of every bad thing about her.

Yet, no matter how hard  I try, I just can’t seem to find anything. When I pull up in my driveway, I give up on it. Stepping out of my car and into my house, I recall the drive to her apartment complex. The entire way there she seemed extremely anxious. Was someone waiting for her that she didn’t want to see? I should ask when we meet again. I stop suddenly in the center of my living room. I never gave her my number. Fuck. How will she plan the next meeting with me? I’m about to throw my bag across the room, but something deep inside of me paralyzes my arm from completing this task. The way Shinya’s eyes were when I had given Reylin the cold stare were...well, I couldn’t make it out. Was it fear? Intimidation? All I know was that it wasn’t good.

I make my way to the kitchen, suddenly aware that hunger was gnawing at my insides. I walk over to the fridge and grab deli meat to make a sandwich. Once completed, I walk back into the living room and plop down on the couch. Sighing into the cushions, Shinya still on my mind. Why won’t she go away? Turning on the TV, I surf through random channels. Right as I’m about to give up my search, a news headline catches my eye.

My attention now fully focused on the screen when the words Breaking News flash across the screen. The title reads: MISSING TEEN in all caps. Missing teen? I grab the remote and turn up the volume, listening closely. The announcer, with a grim face, recites,

“Just today, a seventeen-year-old girl was reported missing. Bailey Johnson, a senior at the high school here in Cold Springs. She has bright blonde hair, pale blue eyes. If anyone has any information on her location, please call the number shown.

That name is familiar. I turn off the screen after writing down the number. Heading to the kitchen, and put the number on the fridge. After putting the dishes in the sink, I look at the time. 10:45. Feeling a wave of exhaustion coming onto me, I trudge to bed. The seconds before I fell into a deep sleep, an image of me crying as a child flashes in my mind. Not wanting to dwell on this any longer, I fall unconscious, into a dreamless slumber.   


Well, I think I like how this book is coming along. What about you guys?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry I have been slacking with updating it.

Well I'll see all you lvely people at the next update! Peace out <3

-Angry Gal

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