Safe Haven

14 1 4

Shinya's POV

I sit on the bed, surrounded by my quiet weeps and cries. Time seemed to go by painfully slow as I sit here, knowing the door won't open until tomorrow, when Fara will let me out.

Over the years I have got accustomed to this. As in being locked in a room with no food or water for a good ten to fifteen hours. Everywhere aches, and my stomach burns like a hot frying pan was placed on it.

I lay on my side, despite the pain coursing through me, and try to sleep.


A sudden draft covers my body and I drape open my eyes to look around. I guess at one point I had fallen asleep yesterday. I look over to the door and its cracked open. That means it's around eight. Which also means that Fara went to work.

I get up out of bed and tip-toe to the door, just in case she is toying with me. I poke my head outside and listen for a moment. Nothing, other than the light ticking of the clock on the wall.

I sigh and let my head drop, walking out of the room and into the bathroom. Once in the bathroom I close and lock the door behind me. I step in front of the sink and examine my condition. I have a large cut starting from the top right side of my chest to my cleavage. The cut though isn't very deep, so no stitches are needed.

My eyes go to my neck. There are large bruises. She made it appear that I had tried to hang myself. I reach my hand up to my neck and lightly stroke the bruises, flinching. My sight gets caught on my stomach. Lashes decorate my stomach in striped patterns. I run my index finger across one of the red inked lines on me and groan.

Deciding against the shower, due to the water beating on my wounds I started a bath. Waiting for the bath to fill I walk into the kitchen and snatch a apple from the fruit basket lying on the marble counter. Note to self; replace apple.

I walk back into the bathroom and strip from my undergarments stepping into the bath. As I slowly sink into the water I can feel the cuts on my stomach one hundred times worse. And the water invades the slice on my chest causing a sharp pang of pain to launch through me.

It was almost unbearable, but I couldn't risk any infection so I sat there, endorsing the pain. After a couple of minutes the pain started to disperse and It was now soothing. I grab my apple that was set aside and take a bite from it, setting it back after.

Twenty minutes later I step from the bath and look back in horror. The water was tinted a bright red, it made me sick to even look at. I quickly stuck my hand in the water, gagging while I unplugged the drain.

I walk over to the towel rack and get a black towel, not wanting any blood to stain the white ones, Fara wouldn't be too happy with that.

I walk into my- Fara's- room and walk to where she keeps my clothes. A basket in the corner of the room. I dig through my small selection and decide on beige skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and my jean jacket. I slip on some shoes after getting dressed and walk out to the kitchen.

I go to get my keys from the counter, but they are gone. I search everywhere top to bottom. Fara must have taken them. I sigh and take a elastic from my wrist, putting my damp red hair into a messy bun, on the top of my head. I get my scarf from the coat rack and tie it around my neck gently. After this, pulling my coat on.

Looks like I will have to walk to the bookstore.


As I walk along the sidewalk I start to wonder, Why am I doing this? I mean, I have never gone to the bookstore on any day of the week other than Tuesday, and I do this at a precise time. But I guess pine green hair, and surging grey eyes had fogged up everything in my head.

I sigh and continue onwards to the bookstore, hoping to meet Nimi one more time. All I want right now is somebody to talk to, just to clear my head of my life.

Nimi's POV

My anger dissipated with every blow and kick I produced. After an hour, I had exhausted myself to the point where keeping my eyes open had become a chore. Sulking out of the room, I notice that it was well past dark. Down the hall to the right is where my favorite room lies. Walking in, the sight of my memory foam bed comforts me in a way nothing else can. Slipping into some fuzzy sweatpants and an over sized shirt, I climb into the bed. As I fall into unconsciousness, I dimly remember the damage I had inflicted on my drawer.

A long, narrow hallway. No windows. A light every ten feet or so. Crimson stained carpet and moldy walls. I had seen this hallway many times in my lifetime. It's the same one that's in all of my dreams.

Willing to get this over with, I speed down the hallway as fast as I possibly can. This time, the door at the end of the hall was a crisp white. Upon closer notice, this door had many dents and the paint chips as well as the edges. Obviously this door had seen some rough times. Wary to open the door, I press my ear to it. Just barely audible is yelling. Is it soundproof?

I hear a scream come from the other side. It came from right next to my ear. I burst through the door. I've heard that kind of scream before, the scream that begs someone to help the creator. I know because I was once the creator of it. Right as my shoulder makes contact with the bent wood, all goes silent. The room on the other side of the door is plain, concrete walls and flooring. No windows. A single light hanging from the ceiling. This isn't what stops me in my tracks however. No, it's what's swinging from that light. I had heard two voices from in here a moment ago.

The only person in here other than me is Shinya. Hanging by her scarf. I drop to my knees and-

I Scream. Leaping from my bed, I race to the adjoined bathroom and stop dead in front of the mirror. The person staring back at me isn't 25. She's seven again, scared and confused as to why dad was always the villain, not the hero. As to why mom never let me out of my room. Dead eyes wide in fear, Green hair crazed from tossing and turning.

I run a cold shower and try to wash away the night's dream, yet I can't. The sight of seeing Shinya hanging from the ceiling, me being powerless to stop it, was unbearable. I needed to know what had caused that strange dream. The water feels like icicles piercing my skin. I embrace the feeling, as the pain keeps the thoughts at bay. Drying myself off, pain in my knuckles starts to register. I take a good look at them and realize that they're raw from the rage fit I had the previous evening. Thankful I had made it to the punching bag, I get dressed. At toning my chokers and bracelets, I pull on jeans and a loose-fitting sweatshirt. I don't bother brushing my hair. Deciding a beanie is decent enough, I struggle with my boots.

Not feeling in the mood to eat, I check the time. 8:10. The bookstore sounds good right about now. I lock my house up for the day and climb into my car. Setting the radio to my favorite station, I head to my haven.


Well there is another chapter, hope ya'll enjoyed. See ya in the next update. (Possible new cover update as well)

-Angriest person eva

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