There is no Place like Home

22 1 4

Shinya's POV

"She's gonna kill me." I blurt out, and dart towards the door. Once outside, I race to my car. I get in and start it, pulling out of the parking spot I'm in and go down the street towards my house. She's gonna kill me, I was out too long, I shouldn't have talked to that stupid girl, but even though she actually cared, it doesn't matter, because she's the reason Fara's gonna be mad, oh God please let her be asleep or not working late. 

The fear piles high in me and I feel like I want to puke, and bawl my eyes out. The tears slowly make way down my cheeks and drip onto my scarf. Thank goodness Nimi didn't ask why it was so tight. THINK. If Fara sees you crying you'll be in deeper than you already are.

I wipe my eyes with my wrist and continue down the street, going ninety miles an hour, not caring at this point if I get a ticket. Compared to Fara, a ticket, even an arrest, seems like heaven.

The apartment complex I live in soon comes into my sight and I tense. I pull into the parking lot and go to space eighty one, the one I am expected to be in every day by five pm. Not a second late. I cut the engine and shove my keys into the brown bookbag on my shoulder.

I speed into the building and up two floors, skipping three steps with every sprint I take. Down a hall to the right, and four doors down I am greeted by a familiar door. 445. Dents are noticeable if you look close enough. Most, if not all, made by my body being slammed into it.

Knowing the door is unlocked, I shakily reach for the knob. Fingers wrapped around, I twist it and slowly open the door, Fuck. Me. Sideways. Fara stands in the doorway, arms crossed and a kitchen knife in her right hand.

I gulp, "I-I I didn't mean to." Fara tilts her head to the side, a smirk dancing its way onto her sharp features.

"'I didn't mean to, it was an accident, it won't happen again! You do know, Shinyara, I really hate hearing bullshit." Fara advances on me in seconds. I'm pinned to the wall, knife to my neck. Fara's eyes are dark, no light entering them. As if it's scared of her too.

"Every time, it's the same thing. Do you not love me?!" Fara's voice raises an octave. "Are you cheating on me? You filthy cunt!"

"I swear I'm not cheating on you! I would never Fara, I love you! With all my heart, I only belong to you!" A lump gathers in my throat, eyes trained harshly at my neck as the knife presses down. Hard. Even harder on my chest.

"I love you too, darling, that's why I'm showing you how much I do!" I squeal In pain as the knife slices through the delicate skin of my upper chest. Liquid velvet pores out of the fresh wound and I scream out. Fara slaps me hard in the face and throws me on the floor, getting on, straddling me.

"You know it makes me mad when you're late. And when you lie." A sinister smile plastered across her face, while her hands travel up and down my body.

Her long fingers wrap around my neck and squeeze. I gasp and wheeze for air, not getting getting enough. A fire spreads in my chest and all up my throat burns. Everything starts to go black and I'm surrounded by the darkness. As I go under, I hear the faint words Fara says,

"Awe, leaving so soon? I was just getting started!"

**Some time later**

My eyes crack open and I cough, my mouth like sandpaper. As I try to lift my hand to my face, chains shake. I try to lift my head, only to be rewarded with a searing pain in my neck. Panting, I move my hand again. More chains. Am I shackled? I look around the room, not seeing much. I must be in the dark room.

The bed that I lay on is stiff and familiar. I feel the cold air against my skin, just noticing I'm only dressed in my undergarments. "F-Fara?" I call, regretting it after the name had left my mouth.

The door creaks open. Heels echo on the stone floor, and Fara's figure comes into view. She's wearing a simple black dress that tapers at her knees.

"Awake already? Surprising, seeing as how unresponsive you were." Fara trails her knife down my stomach, giving me chills. It takes all I have in me not to move and scream. "Now, what should we start with first, hm? How about your favorite?" Oh god, please not what I think she's gonna do. It was too late, I felt the leather lash against the scarred skin on my stomach. I let out a wild scream as Fara repeats this a few more times. Once done, she walks over and plants a kiss on my tear streaked face.

Why me? Out of all the people, it had to be me? The phone rings from somewhere far away.

"Now who could be interrupting our time?" Fara walks out after un-cuffing me. I hear the lock click, and her vanish down the hallway. The tears found their way to my eyes, and started falling like a bathtub overflowing. I hate this life that I have to bare.

Nimi's POV

I drive home in an irritated silence. The roads are empty, which only fuels my rage. Where is everyone? Why am I alone? What did I do to them? The thoughts rush through my head before I can get a rein on them. Instead of turning the anger into sadness like usual, they churn the fire inside me, burning it brighter.

When I pull into the driveway of my house, I unclench my hands. Knuckles turned white, I rub them to regain feeling. My house is quaint from the outside, dark grey shutters contrast stark white walls. A black roof completes the look, along with the scarlet red front door. Bursting through the door, I slam my backpack on the mahogany floor next to the coatrack. As I pass through my foyer, I get a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

What I see is my true self. Cold, ruthless eyes that contain an amount of sadness no human could ever think of. Green hair disheveled from the windows being down on the way home. A web of tear stains across my face. I hate it. I hate that I'm like this. Ramming my fist into the drawer, I race across my house to the only room that can calm me.

Bursting through the door that has been knocked down many times in rage fits like these, I come to the room. Punching bags, weight machines, and a single treadmill line the room. Sunlight pours through the large windows that I had placed in a certain way, so that I could see out of them easily, but others on the outside couldn't. I don't even take the time to wrap my knuckles before I start throwing punches.

I will not be like my father. I will never hit any other living being. I will never be like my father.

I channel all the negativity I'm feeling into the punching bag.

What is scaring her so much? Why is she so skittish? Why do I care? I never feel emotions. What is this?

I hit harder and harder. Tears fall faster from my eyes. I haven't felt emotions since I was a little girl. Why am I feeling now? God, what is it about Shinya that is so intriguing?  


Hopes you all enjoyed!

See you next chapter my lovely peeps.

-#1 Angriest Gal

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