Awkward encounter

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Shinya's POV

After a tiresome twenty minutes of uphill walking I am greeted by the glass doors of my favorite place in the world. I check to make sure my scarf fairly tightened around my neck and walk into the bookstore.

I sigh when I'm inside, inhaling the sweet but bitter smell of fresh brewed coffee. Walking over to the cafe I'm stopped in my tracks, staring directly at green hair sitting on one of the stools at the counter. Seeing her here, right now, was too much.

I don't exactly know how to approach this situation. Well lets see...I could, a.) Stand here like a idiot b.) Go say hi and sit next to her c.) Or- I could sit a couple stools down and stare at her like a creep.

I sigh and walk up to the stool she is sitting in, lightly tapping her on the shoulder. Startled when she turned to look, knowing it was probably like a feather tapping somebody. Nimi's eyes grow wide, with excitement? And a smile is rolled across her smooth features.

I struggle for words, not being able to use the language I've grown up learning. Finally I find words, "Hi." Well word. I internally smack myself with a brick, at my lack of words.

"Jeez, you scared me! How are you doing? Sit down, sit down, you look exhausted." She motions to the chair next to her.

I look over to Nimi, noticing now, how groggy her eyes are, and worn she looks.

"Haha," I laugh. "I- I'm pretty good," I smile to top the whole I LOVE MY LIFE mood I got going. Nimi chuckles, a light in her eye coming back for a brief moment. She motions to the barista.

"It's so early in the morning, you must be starved. Excuse me? Could I have a pumpkin spice, hot coffee, please? On me." She looks back at me with a knowing smirk. How did she know?!

"Wait- How-Did you know??" I question, So maybe I do order the same thing every time, but still. Nimi looks away for a fraction of a second, hesitating. I've never seen this side of her. Thankfully, when she looks back at me, her confidence seems to have returned.

"Well, I've seen you in here before with one, so I figured you must like them. You do like them, right?" For a simple question, her face was quite serious.

"U-uh, yeah of course!" I smile and shove my hands in my lap. I feel weird, has she seen me before?

"Good, for a second there I thought I had ordered something you hated." She pauses for a second, absentmindedly pulling her beanie over her ears. In this motion, I notice she has her right hand bandaged. "Anyway, what brings you here so early?"

" know...just hate being caught up inside all day. So anyways, what happened to your hand? It has a bandage on it." I laugh, trying to cover the fact that I want to pass out, vomit, scream, be happy, and die all at the same time. A small smile is turned my direction in response. Nimi looks down at her hand. She seemed to forget about it.

"Oh, um, well, I..." Nimi struggles to find a response. I note, she appears to be arguing with herself. A few moments later, she comes up with a response, "I fell when I was walking up the steps to my porch. Nothing to worry about." A nervous laughter escapes from her lips as she sips her hot chocolate.

I smile, trying not to seem concerned. "Ha, stairs always seem to get everybody, don't they?" A small laugh escapes my lips. Nimi nods knowingly, and takes another sip of her drink. Nimi's eyes light up suddenly.

"Hey, about yesterday. You left so fast, I didn't get a chance to get to know you." Her eyes seem genuinely interested, but this didn't stop my stomach from dropping and my eyes from scanning my watch. I'm not even supposed to be out today.

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