Chapter 3 - Wait...what?

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4 weeks later

Clark and Bruce have gotten a lot closer in the past four weeks; doing all the things couples do - all the same things they've been doing already, just officially as a couple.

They haven't had sex since the first time, they didn't want things to go too quickly - both agreeing the night had only happened because of their over powering love and lust for one another.

Clark flew over the city trying to get to his destination. There was a robbery at a bank near by he needed to stop.

He made to the bank just as the robber was trying to get away. He stopped in front of him.

"And just where are you going?" He asked, grabbing the mans arms with one hand.

The man pointed the gun he was holding towards Clark's chest and shot a bullet. It reflected off of him.

"You really thought that'd work?" He smirked. The man squirmed. Sirens were heard in the distance. "Looks like your rides here," he said cockily

The man shot a bullet towards his stomach, but the bullet immediately stopped in mid-air before dropping to the ground. Clark's eye widened.

What the hell had just happened?

"We'll take it from here, thanks Superman," one of the officers said, hand cuffing the man.

"Yeah, of course," he smiled, snapping out of his thoughts. The office smiled in return and Clark took flight.

He flew around and out of the city. He flew over the grass before falling to the ground roughly. He cringed as his head began spinning and his stomach began contracting. He placed both hands on each side of his head and screamed.

That's when everything went black.


Bruce was pacing back and forth around his bedroom. Clark told him he'd be back as soon as he finished arresting the man robbing the bank.

It's been hours since the arrest and no one knows where the super hero might have gone.

He let out a frustrated growl and walked out of his room angrily.

"Alfred?!" He yelled.

"Yes, sir," Alfred said walking with him.

"Please get the batwing ready to fly in fifteen minutes tops," Bruce said walking towards his bat suits. He grabbed his most recent one - the one everyone knew him to wear now - and slipped it on. He placed the final item on - his mask.

"The batwing is ready, sir," Alfred informed the stressed man.

"Thank you," Bruce said walking towards the batwing. He got inside - closing the door behind him - and prepared to take off.

Once he finished setting up, he took off into the night. He flew over the last places Clark was seen and saw an odd crater marking in a field far from the city.

The huge dent in the ground spread farther than anything Bryce had seen Clark create before - during the beginning he didn't quite have his landings right.

He flew down and parked the batwing quickly. He hopped out and locked it. He ran towards the middle and gasped as he saw a figure looking red and blue laying straight at the centre of the crater. He ran towards it - the figure becoming more defined.

Once he reached the middle he had finally noticed who it was.


He grabbed his face in his hands.

Love Is Love, You Can't Change Who You Are (AU/Mpreg)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora