Chapter 5 - Baby Bump?

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Clark woke up and stretched with a cute yawn escaping his lips. He smiled at Bruce's sleep form and stood from the bed. He walked over the bathroom and began brushing his teeth.

He put back his tooth brush and looked into the mirror as he turned to his side. He searched for any sign of a baby bump as he rubbed his stomach.

He let out a frustrated sigh when he saw nothing.

He walked back into the room and glanced at Bruce. He decided to let him sleep a little longer and walked the way to the kitchen.

He looked through the cabinets and grabbed a bowl. He grabbed his favourite cereal, fruit loops.

He went into the fridge and grabbed the milk carton. He poured the cereal into his bowl before adding milk.

He grabbed a spoon and his bowl after putting everything else away and went to sit on the couch.

He began to munch happily on his cereal as he watched cartoons on the TV.

He giggled as he watched.

When he had finished his cereal he went back into the kitchen and looked through the cabinets again. He saw a jar of peanut butter and grabbed it. He went into the fridge and found pickles.

"Yes!" He cheered quietly. He grabbed both items and went back onto the couch.

He grabbed a pickle and dipped it into the peanut. He took a bit and moaned.

"S'good," he smiled.

Bruce woke up and did his daily routine before going into the living room and seeing Clark eating his interesting choice of snack.

"Is that peanut butter? With pickles?" He questioned and sat beside him.

"Mhmm," Clark hummed in response as he ate.

"That's nasty," Bruce scrunched up his nose in disgust.

Clark frowned and stopped eating. He sniffled as he stood from the couch and ran into the room. He shut and locked the door. He walked over and sat on the bed and sobbed into the pillow - pickles and peanut butter forgotten on the night stand.

Bruce sat with wide eyes, not registering what had just happened. He quickly hopped off the couch and ran towards the room once he realized what he had done.

"Open the door, baby, please," he said wiggling the door knob. His heart broke when he heard the loud sobs.

"Go away!" Clark cried.

"C'mon, baby, please open up," he pleaded.

"You think I'm disgusting!" He sobbed.

"No! Of course not, darling! Your food choice is just a bit...interesting," he said.

"You mean it?" Clark sniffled.

"Of course I do, princess, I love you,"

Clark opened the door and clasped on Bruce's chest. He sobbed into his shoulder as he gripped his shirt into his fists.

"I'm so sorry, I love you," Bruce kissed his forehead and cuddled him closer.

"I love you too," Clark sniffled.

"Lets go watch some cartoons, yeah?"


The pair walked back into the living room and settled on the couch. Bruce had his arms wrapped around Clark with a protective hand on his tummy. Clark placed his hand over top of Bruce's and smiled contently.

Love Is Love, You Can't Change Who You Are (AU/Mpreg)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora