Chapter One

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Chad's pov.
We had just gotten to the line in front of the local game store. The newest vrmmorpg game: "Warriors Path" had just come out and the hype was real.

"I'm so excited. This is supposed to be the game of the year!" Kai said with a smile. He was basically jumping with excitement.

My friend Kai and I are the biggest gamers on the west side of town. We met each other in high school and have been friends since. We applied to the same collage last semester majoring under graphic design and minoring in computer sciences.

"I know dude just stay calm. The stores are supposed to open any minute. I just hope that the game will still be in stock when we get there. We look to be about forty- fifth in line." I said reassuringly.

"Well I heard that the first 50 people will get the game half off. So we should be good as long as nobody does anything stupid."

"Yeah, I heard that this game has the most variety of enemies than any other game ever made."

"Well I hope so. I don't want to be fighting the same enemies over and over with the same moves. Or enemies just with different color palettes."

"Yeah. There are even some creatures you can tame and they become partners for you, but the best part is the weapons. Swords, guns, bows, and even futuristic weapons, like lightsabers. It's killer! Also you can buy a home and have a vehicle to get around in."

The line moves up and we eventually enter the store. I grab my copy of the game and go and pay for it. My friend follows suit.

The cashier scans and takes our money. "You guys got lucky. You're the forty- eighth and forty-ninth people."

"Well lucky us! Now let's get our game on!" I say as we exit the store.

Kai looks over the game on the back of the box. "Looks like you can make your own avatar. And you can scan yourself to make it look like you."

"Ooo. Looks like you can even be other species. There's human, elf, and something called zark. I have no clue what that is but it sounds cool. Of course I'm going to go with how I look."

"Of course. I'm most likely going to do the same."

We get back to our two bedroom apartment and go to our separate rooms. "I'll see you on the other side...maybe" Kai says that every time we go in. I enter the disc into the console and put on the headgear. I lay down and let it sync with my brain waves. "And off to the virtual world I go."

The game starts out with me being surrounded by black as the title flies past my head. Then a mirror appears.
With a reflection of a standard person. Definitely not me so I adjust some dials and decided to just let it scan me. There is a green laser and the image in the mirror looks like me in every aspect. From the straight dark brown hair to the brown eyes. Even my height seems accurate. Once I look myself over I press the finish button and am instantly transported to a room with stone walls and torches making it look like a castle dungeon. I appear to be one of the few people who decided to stay the same as well as Kai.

"Hey dude! I see you didn't change. Neither did I!"

"Yeah, I didn't see anything I liked." I replied.

After about five minutes of waiting, a woman clothed in mages robes appears.

"Hello and welcome to the game."

"What's this? Some kind of welcoming from the developers or something? "I thought to myself.

"As you may know, there are many people who play. And there are also many things to do in this game. So we will put you through a kind of initiation to see what class you belong in. There are three main classes: the mage, the warrior, and the thief. You will go through three trials to determine what class, then subclass you will start out as. Do not worry as you can train to switch classes if you're not pleased with what you get. You may choose to team up with two other people if you wish but going alone is recommended."

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