Chapter 3

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Chad's pov

We head back to the city where the guard happiness let's us in.  We step inside the city and are amazed at how modern it is. Skyscrapers and cars are abundant as are all kinds of people going to work by the looks of their attire. We are just about to head to a hotel when I notice chad glowing. He looks at me in shock and says that I'm glowing. We are then teleported to what appears to be the starting area with what looks like every other player in the game.

"What the hell?" Kai yelled. Many other people were equally confused. After a couple of minutes a giant hooded figure appears above the large crowd of players. "Quiet! I am sure you are all confused but you need not fear me. I have the answers you seek."

"Oh yea? Then who are you?!" I yell at the figure.

"Mind yourself young name is not important."

"Ok then. What is this? An event?"  Kai asks.

"This is nothing concerning the game. But something very important."

"Then spit it out!" kai grabs his bow while i get my gun out "Or i'll spill it for you."

The figure simply waves his hands and everyone's weapons disappear

"Way to go dude" I say as i hit him in the arm.

"As of now, i have control of things here. If you all would, open your menus. You will see that something is missing." I do and see that the logout button is missing. There is also a small mirror in the miscellaneous section. I open it and a red light surrounds me. After the light has faded, i see myself as i am in the real world. I look around and see that others have changed into their real world selves. There are no more species of elves and orcs. Just humans. "This game was supposed to become a secondary life. Something which you can not escape from."

"What the hell do you mean? We have lives!"

" That is no concern of mine. If you die here you will cease to live in the real world. If someone tries to remove your headset, you will die. I cannot stress this enough, you will survive until its game clear or else you will spend the rest of your lives in the game. As of now, the player count has dropped by 120 because removal of the headsets." He waves his arms and tv news stations pop up confirming what the figure has said. "This is unfortunate, but either all of you will survive or all of you will perish. Now go!" He waves his arms and he and the screens vanish. Chaos erupts as we are teleported to where we spawned in at.

I see my gun reequips as i sit on the bed in silence for a while. It was minutes before kai speaks

"So... this is real?"

"I guess so." I say. Inside I am freaking out. I'd never think this would happen to me.

"I'm going to go blow off some steam. Get some things out of my system." I go down and leave the town.


Kai's pov

After Chad leaves the hotel I try to figure out how to beat the game I am now trapped in. I go down to the town square and see a bunch of players running to try and beat the game. "Hey! How do you beat the game exactly?"

A kid stops to answer me  "once you've managed to find all towns and do at least one major quest in each, you have the option to face a boss, if you manage to defeat a boss, the next level, or shall I say the next planet will be available for all to enter, after clearing the 100 planets, plus the 97 different dimensions, the final boss becomes available, beat him, and the game is cleared" he then continues running along his way.

"Holy crap! This will take forever!"

There is a femenine voice behind you "a lot to take in, isn't it?"
You see a kind of short girl, she's very cute with long brown hair and emerald green eyes "it will definitely take a few years, but, what's your story, why aren't you with a friend?"

"Uhh. I was but he is kinda off right now because of the whole impending doom thing."

Oh I see. I'm Amillia. You know you have a better chance of survival in a group. I was thinking of starting one.

Oh that's cool. I'm Kai. I'm an assassin class.

"I'm in the rouge class but I was aiming for the assassin class. Would you like to be in a group with me?  The more people the faster the game will be over."

"Sounds great! As long as my friend can join. He's a battlemage."

"Sure! Sounds awesome." She opens her menus and clicks some buttons before a notification pops up in front of me. "Do you want to join player Amillias group?" I click yes and I see a health bar with her name on it. "Alright. how does the team thing work? Because sometimes its diffrent with each game."

"Well, a party can consist up of up to four people. If you want more, then you have to start a guild. all party members get a share of the exp points and credits earned. Works the same way with guilds as well. How about we level up a bit. There's a bunch of boar and wolves in the woods outside of town."

"Sounds good to me. Let's go." We head into the woods.

As we fight off the pack of wolves Amillia starts laughing. "I guess your a good grinder huh?"

"Oh yea your amazing too."

She starts laughing again. "That sounded like a sex pun" I can feel myself get red in the cheeks as I continue to fight the enemies.

Hours later we come back as the moon starts to rise. I am exhausted but I did raise my level quite a bit as well as Amillia. "I'm beat. Let's get a bed and hit the hay."

"I'll gladly get a bed. I'm bushed."

We get a room and fall asleep.

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